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单词 carry 例句大全,用单词carry造句:

To carry out the four modernizations is in accord with the general aspiration of the people.
Take some license to carry classes, get a license to carry, and carry a firearm at all times.
学习一些课程, 携带一些课程许可证, 和携带一些枪支。
Recent joint acceptance group will be to carry out inspection and acceptance in all locations.
carry forward Accounting To transfer to the next column, page, or book, or to another account.
会计学转帐将转下一栏, 页, 册或另一帐户
It carry on the back the princess to carry on the back top, take her to run the soldier there.
它把公主背到背上, 带着她跑到兵士那儿去。
We hereby print and distribute to you. Please carry them out in light of your actual situation.
现印发给你们, 请结合自身实际, 认真贯彻落实。
As she couldn't pay him back, her friend accepted to carry forward her debt until the next month.
Thus, in accordance with the from simple to difficult step by step in order to carry out the search.
Abide by the constitution and laws, state to inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture.
One carry over import customs declaration shall correspond to one archival export carry over checklist.
The power which can carry everything before it, the power indicates the accumulation of mental capacity.
Passengers requiring prescription medications should always carry them on board in their carry-on luggage.
And unified the example to carry on the static mechanical analysis comparison to the optimized achievement.
But I found I had no strength to carry him on my shoulder, so I borrowed a horse to carry him down the hill.
Issue different kinds of financial products, carry on innovation of the marketable securities, etc. actively.
Sometimes you have to carry a task down to the grass-roots level, otherwise, it's better not to carry it out.
If we don't carry out acceptable protection of traditional culture now, these national treasures will disappear.
Hungchien woke the errand boy to come carry the baggage, and with a heavy heart, accompanied Hsinmei to the hotel.
鸿渐唤醒校工来挑行李, 送辛楣到了旅馆, 依依不舍。
To carry out the work of fighting against the false in accounting and ensure the reality of accounting information
The enterprise should the science carry on improvement suggestion and so on superintendent achievement inspection.
Carry food when going out and go for an outing, in abstaining from throwing to eating remnant something into a mountain.
携带食物外出郊游时, 禁忌把吃剩的东西丢在山里。
Maintaining Development as the Absolute Principle to Carry out the Top Priority in Governing and Rejuvenating the Country
Taking the Implementation of the New Systems as Turning Point Actively Carry the reform and Development of Hospitals Forward
beat, carry out corporal punishment on or instigate other people to beat, carry out corporal punishment on other people under detention
We know, though, that memory involves chemicals called neurotransmitters-one of which is acetylcholine-and the signals they carry through the brain.

单词 carry 释义

  • 单词释义:拿,搬,扛;携带,佩戴;传输;传播;出售;支撑;承担(责任/后果);具有(特点);获得通过;保持姿态  [更多..]



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