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单词 career 例句大全,用单词career造句:

Mary doesn't regret abandoning an acting career, because in fact she never did.
玛丽不后悔放弃了演员的职业, 因为事实上她从没当过演员。
Psychology of academic choice of career in the specialty of agronomy and forestry
The TOEFL test is designed to be one of the first hurdles in your academic career.
Can the career for which I will prepare be accommodated in my country on my return
Concurrent with her acting career, Bron has managed to write two books of her own.
Measure15. Provide a specialist adviser for career development and career guidance.
His acting career was cut off in its prime by a car accident that left him disabled.
The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career, ie Her career has ended.
That programme received critical acclaim and marked a turning point in Sonita's career.
I also started my career on slicks and I definitely want to finish my career on slicks.
Subsequently, the abdication of Napoleon in order to put an end to his political career.
Time, will visit quite a career achievements friends, chatting about the fate of Medium.
一次, 去拜会一位事业上颇有成就的朋友, 闲聊中谈起了命运。
Before she started her acting career in Shanghai in 1942, she went to school in Tianjin.
took a long leave of absence without detriment to her career.See Synonyms at disadvantage
Accordingly, his peers judged him an inept instructor and illsuited to a scholarly career.
因此, 他的同事断定他作为讲师不称职, 不适合学者事业。
They influence each other, help each other foundation, with people achievement Yan Xishan career.
Acting an unreliable profession, so maybe you should consider other career paths that may interest you.
Are you are considering a career or have you recently accepted a position in academic cardiovascular medicine?
He got married and made great achievements in his career before he was thirty, which is much envied by others.
Politicians must accustom themselves to the fact that they will wax and wane in popularity throughout their career.
She decided to attend Harvard, where she would study political theory and put her acting career on the back burner.
她决定到哈佛攻读政治理论, 暂时放下她的演艺事业。
A persons surname can influence their career, experts claim A persons surname can influence their choice of career, experts believe.
专家认为, 一个人的姓氏会对其职业选择产生影响。
During the initial stages of his career, Einstein was ostracised from the academic domain and was unable to find a university position.
爱因斯坦早年曾被他的学术圈所排斥, 找不到大学职位。
The Five Ridges with south the commonnest help advance somebody's career kind of cumquat, fruit is elliptic, pi Tian flesh is acerbity.
五岭以南最常见的栽培种金橘, 果椭圆形, 皮甜肉酸。
Encourage everyone to have your dream and than your career.taanslate into english is those who have aspired can achieve dream, and who begin an undertasking will change his life.
立志成就梦想, 创业改变人生。

单词 career 释义



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