Jaundice occurs when there is a buildup of a naturally occurring substance in the blood called bilirubin.
Without the cleaning action of the lubricating system, carbon ring and varnish buildup would be excessive.
The worm may be taked part in the construction of buildup substrate, and they are the pioneer of phylloid algal buildup.
Trapped charge buildup during irradiation in buried oxide, which dominantly induces back channel leakage, is investigated.
The perforations on the pillow prevent a buildup of heat and moisture, keeping the pillow at a constant temperature all night long.
Too slow a flow may cause a buildup of sewage, and consequent blockage, and too rapid a flow may result in the erosion of the pipe.
Plaque buildup leads to heart attacks, but it also reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients that your blood carries to your brain.
Closed-angle glaucoma can cause a rapid buildup of high intraocular pressure that results in permanent visual damage in a couple of days.
An Analysis of the Measures for Alleviation of Ash Buildup on the Heating Surfaces of a Heat Recovery Boiler and the Enhancement of Dust and Smoke Removal Efficiency