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单词 brilliance 例句大全,用单词brilliance造句:

We are willing to work together with you to create new brilliance!
The furniture he bought the other day displays technical brilliance.
Airy disk brilliance is proportional to the fourth power of aperture.
The red brilliance of the claret shines transparently in our glasses.
The Beautiful writing instrument will add brilliance to what you write.
漂亮得书写工具, 令您笔下生辉!
I used to appreciate the intelligence and the brilliance of my daughter.
In eye brilliance as before, Is flashing as before the gray astringency.
眼中的光彩依旧, 依旧闪动着灰涩。
Under the winter sun, it blazed out in a concentrated brilliance of redness.
小火柿子让冬日的太阳一照, 更是红得透亮。
These substances contaminate paint, reducing its brilliance and smooth feel.
这些物质污染油漆, 降低光滑度。
Brilliance individuality, Elantra store up its potential and wait for break out
I feel the brilliance of every moment, the splendour of existence and its awful.
我体验着每一刻的光华, 存在的绚美和可憎。
However, it heralds the full brilliance of a completely clear sky of azure blue.
然而, 这预示着完全晴朗的蔚蓝天空的壮观。
To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, especially by admixture.
Once remember no, tax badge shenzhou, aimless and brilliance shines light dances.
曾记否, 税徽漫舞亮神州, 光彩普照。
Apathetic busyness and puzzled thinking could never prevent the brilliance before.
BMW Brilliance performs three production shifts per day to meet rising market demand
Brilliance is accomplished by applying small amounts of lacquer to the hammer's felt.
Fangs brilliance at understanding two cultures comes through with alacrity and style.
他十分熟悉中美两种文化, 笔调轻松, 风格鲜明。
If you cannot dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit, then.
如果你无法用才能说服别人, 就用废话迷惑他们。
Luomashi Business Walking Street Purchasing the Excellence and Rebuilding the Brilliance
His integrity and his analytical brilliance in cutting to the core of a problem were awesome.
The brighter the brilliance of Ronaldinho shone the more irrelevant Mourinho's antics became.
As it will advance the pace of world civilization, has always been full of dazzling brilliance.
它会随着世界文明前进的脚步, 始终焕发出夺目的光彩。
We sincerely except to become your cooperative partner and we will help adding brilliance to your enterprise.
Weihui Machinery is willing to sincerely cooperate with all customers to achieve mutual benefit and create brilliance!
伟辉机械愿与各界客商真诚合作, 互惠互利, 同创辉煌!

单词 brilliance 释义

  • 单词释义:才华;光亮,光辉  [更多..]



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