The Bride Price was intended as compensation for the loss of the Bride's labour.
The wedding is a private affair, with only the bride, groom and their families there.
In the wedding night the bride found her husband reading instead of attending to her.
mouse operation, the arrow points switching costumes, dress it up the bride and groom.
in the meantime, the audience listens to the bride and bridegroom s farewell ceremony.
Music signals the entrance of the bride's attendants, followed by the beautiful bride.
In the beginning, the bride's parents opposed her mariage, but at last, they agreed to.
The actual festivities begin simultaneously at the separate homes of the bride and groom.
Maggie Cheung bride 15 ago with the ultimate version of the exposure model,it is amazing.
In the meantime, the audience listens to the bride and bridegrooms fare not well ceremony.
In addition to the bride and groom, a new family medallion is given to each of the children.
Anthurium bridal chamber night morning, the groom wake up one day and found the bride tears.
I would have been happy with a weekend in Vegas, but, Anyway, here she is, my beautiful bride.
The girl's family has accepted your proposal of marriage. Quickly, get ready to marry your bride.
姑娘家许婚了, 你快准备迎亲吧。
Sometime after midnight, the groom, accompanied by his many guests, proceeds to the house of the bride.
Here is Kuhuang Temple, the deity bodyguard absolutely will not knowingly possessing a bride price list.
She was deeply grateful that Lee was understanding and that he agreed to pay her parents the Bride Price.
Bridesmaids? The bridesmaid will a young unmarried woman who will attend to the bride during the wedding.
女傧相 女傧相是在婚礼过程中照顾新娘的未婚年轻女子。
Bridegroom bride began nimbus one time again then after that bridegroom is tired arrive to go up in the bed.
When the parading troop arrives at the bridegroom's, firecrackers will be set off to hail the bride's arrival.
The ritual of Hejin ((of bride and bridegroom drinking from the nuptial cup) was very popular in ancient China.
Fortunate enough to have a fragrant carriage to receive the bride Ashamed not to have good wine to entertain our guests.
幸有香车迎玉女, 愧无白酒慰嘉宾。
After making her preparations, the bride came out of the bathroom to find the bridegroom on his knees in front of the bed.
At the right moment I go with bride of have in yard an in beard in the releasing of the Ci source temple neighborhood together.
They were all hares, and the crow was there as parson to marry the bride and bridegroom, and the fox served as sexton, and their altar was under the rainbow.
狐狸是司仪, 祭坛在彩虹下面。