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单词 boy 例句大全,用单词boy造句:

ExThe boy saw his erstwhile boyfriend with another boy on the street.
The boy, Abe, ran back and tried to coax him to cross on the thin ice.
艾贝, 这个年轻人, 往回跑想哄骗它从冰面上跑过来。
The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teachers could give him.
A little boy wants to ring a doorbell. But it is too high for the boy.
一个小男孩想按一个门铃, 但是够不着。
The boy couldn't give a legitimate reason for being absent from school.
Three years later, he induced the boy emperor to abdicate in his favour.
The big boy always thumbed his nose at the weak boy, one of his classmate.
The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge that his teachers could give him.
A Small Boy and a DonkeyA small boy leading a donkey passed by an Army camp.
It was plain that the pitiless man made the boy suffer. The boy was pitiable.
After hearing the touching story, she thought the boy's absence was tolerable.
听完这个动人的故事后, 她认为男孩的缺席可以原谅。
Many parents thought time it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet.
那时, 许多父母认为一个男孩对芭蕾感兴趣是不正常的。
I really want to come kick it with you. You'll be my American Boy. American Boy.
any e. g. You are no longer a little boy. You arent a little boy a ny longer longer.
The boy's parents were worried about his abnormal behavior that never had happened before.
Abandoning the name as the boy after that is more temporarily fashionable is whole network.
Ground of our grinning cheekily scolds Poor clever boy, true firm of your boy helper, be gutty!
我们嬉皮笑脸地骂道瘦猴, 你小子下手真狠, 有种!
Mascherano's absence could open the door for new boy Christian Poulsen to make his Liverpool bow.
Boy, oh boy, oh boy!And that's a straight line we got right over there. And I didn't even prompt him.
The boy and girl in the understanding of the Internet, the boy very sensible, girl very capricious!
At 18 years of age, the boy had recurrent episodes of cervical lymphadenopathy, complicated by an abscess.
Say October be pregnant normally, poor clever boy marries half an year, a little boy drops with respect to quack the ground.
按理说十月怀胎, 瘦猴结婚半年, 一个小男孩就呱呱坠地了。
I asked the boy where was his master under the pine tree, the boy answered that his master had been for medicine in the hill!
松下问童子, 言师采药去!
It is said that if a pregnant woman likes eating acidic foods, she will give birth to a boy, and peppery foods signifies a girl. But I think it is an absurd statement.
A simplex word has no affixes and is not part of a compound--like"boy" compared with"boyish" or"house" compared with"houseboat".

单词 boy 释义

  • 单词释义:男孩;儿子;小伙子,家伙  [更多..]



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