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单词 bread 例句大全,用单词bread造句:

Trial Research of Making Steamed Bread by Addition of Corn Flour
Sometimes, the simplicity of bread is also a sumptuous adventure.
Study on the Affects of Different Quiescent Time on Bread Quality
I've got the meat and potatoes, but I'm afraid I forgot the bread.
我买了肉和土豆, 恐怕忘了买面包。
Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you but to your bread.
Leavened bread is bread that rises. It is usually baked in an oven.
I also make bread, but my bread is not for eating, but for reading.
They didn't want to buy his bread. It didn't look like French bread.
It would taste even better if we added some sesame paste to the bread.
He advanced to his Uncle with the wafer of communion bread in his hand.
As men do not live by bread alone, they do not fight by armments alone.
如同人们并不单靠着面包生活, 他们也不单靠着武器来作战。
This was accompanied with bread and butter which was good to have again.
Wherever Alfred goes he is sure to find his bread buttered on both sides.
不管到什么地方去, 艾尔弗雷德总是鸿运高照。
Are there any preservatives, additives, or chemicals added to your bread ?
你们的面包添加任何防腐剂,添加物或化学药品了 吗
Research on black kerneled rice bread through adding germanium and xylitol
The spicy bread used a lot of ginger, which was believed to aid digestion.
Ye humming a ditty I open the refrigerator looking for bread, but bread it
耶我哼着小曲打开冰箱找面包, 可是面包呢?
The Feast of Unleavened Bread accompanied the celebrations of the Passover.
In addition to cakes, also supplies chocolate and bread, drinks and others.
He said as he agreed. I gave him a small bowl of stew and a piece of bread.
他这样说, 我递给他一小碗菜和面包。
They were given one loaf of bread a bottle of milk per day as an allowance.
作为一种定量供应, 他们每天获得一块面包和一瓶牛奶。
I baked one loaf of carrot nut bread and two loaves of zucchini spice bread.
Tamperevident adhesive bread ties have been introduced on to the bread packs.
In addition, night warming enhanced dough strength and decreased bread volume.
I haven't got any corn bread, but I've got some wheat bread. Will that do you?
我没有玉米面包, 但有些小麦面包。行吗?

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