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单词 breach 例句大全,用单词breach造句:

They may also agree upon a method for calculating the damages resulting from such a breach.
On Breach of Duty and Autocratic Monarchy of Central Government Officials in Five Dynasties
On Breach of Duty and Autocratic Monarchy of Central Government Officials in Five Dynasties.
If we don't go to our uncle's birthday party, people will consider it a breach of etiquette.
The abundant commodity stands for the total breach in the organic development of social needs.
The rule of anticipatory breach of contract was created by British and American law department.
Cancellation does not absolve the responsibility of Party Bs breach of contract and compensation.
separate international agreement, does not establish that there has been a breach of this Article.
The papers were uncovered by opposition politicians appear to be a blatant breach of electoral law.
文件由政客提出范反对, 形式上违背选举法。
Analysis of Water Power on the Affecting Tide and Branch Breach and Study of Engineering Application
It is a breach for agriculture and animal husbandry to bring grass field rotate into planting system.
In the method, the fundamental breach of contract research should adhere to type subsumption approach.
Having any other irregularity or discipline breach and causing any unfavorable impact and consequence.
The word corruption is sometimes also associated with embezzlement, misappropriation and breach of trust.
The Parties agree that any such activities shall be treated as an extremely serious breach of this Agreement.
The responsibilities to be assumed for a breach of an economic contract are mostly economic responsibilities.
But he said the failures that led to a potentially catastrophic breach in security must be addressed immediately.
Setting aside ones political agreement or disagreement with the sentiment, it was a very public breach of decorum.
抛开政治上赞同与否不谈, 这种行为是严重的公开失礼。
No , I never do that. You might think you are self assured and supercilious, but its really a breach of etiquette.
把你的脚朝着别人, 即使不是故意的, 也破坏了礼节。
Article 26 An employer shall not make advance deduction of wages as penalty for breach of contract or as indemnity.
That was a blatant breach of Security Council resolutions and a violation of the line separating the two countries.
The parties to a contract may agree that one party shall, when violating the contract, pay breach of contract damages.
The Arbitration Tribunal comes to the conclusion that the sellers shall be held responsible for the breach of the contract.
The breach of contract damages as stipulated in the contract shall be regarded as compensation for the losses resulting from breach of contract.
If the lender does not make a loan in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages.

单词 breach 释义

  • 单词释义:违反,破坏;破裂,缺口  [更多..]



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