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单词 bravo 例句大全,用单词bravo造句:

I am not a troublemaker, and yet Im bravo! See, I dont even afraid of Big Brother Dog
我不麻烦, 还很勇敢的哪!你看, 连大狗狗我都不怕。
On1 March this year we commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the Bravo test at Bikini atoll.
Fixed a bug that would always show alpha team highlighted in mission results even if you were on bravo
My call sign is not BG0 AAA, the last leter is I, like India. Bravo Golf Zero Alfa Alfa India, Do you roger.
The rich brocade smiled to say own idea, the brocade Ru waited a person to immediately buffet chart to shout bravo.
I think its fantastic. If not your best, certainly among them. BRAVO! Great color and lighting and detail. Might stand a bit more sharpness, but certainly NOT a distraction.

单词 bravo 释义

  • 单词释义:n.亡命徒,喝彩int.好啊!妙!;vt.喝彩  [更多..]



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