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单词 brothel 例句大全,用单词brothel造句:

It took one and a half years to produce the costumes for just the ladies in the brothel.
Small building with the brothel during the war, married women Juxian, Dieyi feel lonely.
The Buddha, in order to tame certain beings, was once reincarnated as a brothel visitor.
A really wealthy brothel madam in Mumbai would be quite proud to talk about what she does.
在孟买, 相当富有的妓院鸨母将会引以为豪。
You primp as brothel woman by the body of place son, is exactly your biggest flaw in prose.
This city is known as the brothel capital of the world, with an estimated 250 knocking shops.
Brothel increases happiness in the settlement slightly, and allows the recruitment of a spy.
That thou didst also build thee a common stew, and madest thee a brothel house in every street.
Scaling the walls to find some protection of their own are 11 fancy ladies from a local brothel.
There are only two places where indiscriminate hugging is tolerated the brothel and the ballroom.
只有两种地方容许恣意的拥抱, 妓院和舞厅。
The times created the brothel stories in the novels and dramas of the Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties.
The Living Conditions of Women in Brothel from the Perspective of Brothel Environment in Ancient China
The businessman culture greatly promoted the flourishing of the personage culture and the brothel culture.
To the latter Qing dynasty, this kind of brothel literature had the astonishing growth in quantity and the length.
到了晚清, 此类青楼文学在数量和篇幅上都有惊人增长。
When Antoine goes to the brothel, he becomes uncomfortable with the necessity of having to choose one girl over another.
For he had the boldness to set up, U under the very castle, a place of exercise, and to put all the choicest youths in brothel houses.
他故意在城堡下建筑了运动场, 引领贵族少年受体育训练。
A young woman in Southeast Asia or eastern Europe might be sold several times, through a series of brokers and pimps, before she ends up in a brothel.
The critical moment, 6 Wang Xiao Li makes the match to violate a regulation and to hit 1 point success, stays in a brothel overnight the potential stably.

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