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单词 brownish 例句大全,用单词brownish造句:

The addition should be interrupted when brownish vapors are liberated to avoid excessively vigorous reaction.
Stipules free, brownish green, small. Flowers white to violet. Anterior petal shallowly saccate but not spurred.
托叶离生, 褐绿色, 小。花白色至紫色。下花瓣基部浅囊状但无距。
You turn up the heat, you start making or breaking chemical bonds in the sugar, forming a brownish caramel, right?
然后你点上火 糖的化学键就断开 形成棕色的焦糖
Any of various edible mushrooms of the genus Morchella and related genera, characterized by a brownish spongelike cap.
Specific Property Magnesium chloride is a white or brownish yellow, flake or granular crystal. It tastes bitter and is easily deliquesces.
特性白色或黄色, 片状或粒状晶状, 味苦, 易吸水潮解。
Asphaltum is a brownish-black solid or semisolid mixture of bitumens obtained from native deposits or as a petroleum byproduct, used in paving, roofing, and waterproofing.

单词 brownish 释义



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