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单词 budgetary 例句大全,用单词budgetary造句:

Changes were made in the budgetary allocations by major object of expenditure and are presented in table2.
There is scope for focusing on the importance of gender issues in areas such as budgetary and legal matters.
Predesign stage Budgetary estimate of blueprint of initial design specification, initial design, initial design.
初步设计阶段初步设计说明, 初步设计图纸, 初步设计概算。
Investment margin of environmental protection and water conservation to be left in the design budgetary estimate
No government at a lower level may use or intercept budgetary funds belonging to the government at a higher level.
We welcome the idea of simplification and improvement in the planning and budgetary process of the United Nations.
The annex to the report compared the current budgetary assumptions for the Tribunal with the initial appropriation.
The report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions was presented orally by its Chairman.
At the same time, they considered it unwise for the General Assembly to exercise disproportionate budgetary restraint.
与此同时, 他们认为大会厉行不相称的预算克制是不明智的。
The Committee finds the proposal for such reclassification to be inconsistent with United Nations budgetary practices.
Commonweal sex serves irrigation works to belong to pure enterprise property, execute budgetary management, finance burden.
The Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and the Controller made concluding statements.
There are cases of work units misappropriating budgetary funds or special funds in disregard of the relevant rules and regulations.
We fervently believe the deliberations of meetings of States parties should not be limited to budgetary and administrative matters.
The present paralysis in Washington offers little hope that the United States will deal with its budgetary problems swiftly or efficiently.

单词 budgetary 释义



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