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单词 budget 例句大全,用单词budget造句:

The United Nations Office at Nairobi intended to address the problem in the next budget cycle.
Some Considerations about Reformation of Budget Accounting System under the Finance Reformation
Challenge yourself to step out of your current budget and develop a better budget for yourself.
The priority should be to surrender budget surpluses in accordance with the Financial Regulations.
On the Investigation of Budget and Final Accounts of Architectural Projects and Investment Control
The Working Group also considered the adequacy of resources in the Budget Section of the Registry.
Secondly, the error multiplier will be adjusted to increase of using an available tolerance budget.
The debate is over the importance of reducing the budget deficit and the goal of a balanced budget.
Managed departmental budget by developing budget proposals, drafting recommendations and projections.
fortify the rigid restraint of financial budget, improve the management mechanism of financial budget
增强财政预算的刚性约束, 健全财政预算管理机制
Even without the U.S.quoting any actual prices, the budget alloted as maximum conservative estimatment.
enterprises also prevalent in the current budget or no budget for lax implementation of such phenomena.
To handle and troubleshoot internal risks controlling, budget ting and budget controlling, SOP of the JV.
处理合资企业各种内部风险控制, 预算及控制, 标准程序。
A separate and adequate budget for the justice sector should be allocated, and disbursed in a timely manner.
The budget outline should be more detailed, with additional information on programmatic and resource changes.
Combining author s fulfillment, forward a few examine method that engineerings budget and balance of accounts.
结合自身实践, 就工程预结算的审核, 提出以下几种审核方法。
The role and functions of the Department of Justice are addressed in paragraphs122 to132 of the proposed budget.
The role and functions of the Department of Justice are addressed in paragraphs122 to134 of the proposed budget.
Recommends implements and monitors the Department's budget and manages expenses within approved budget constraints.
A total of18 posts are requested under the support account for the Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts.
daft annual budget and define final accounting of revenue and expenditure and execute annual financial management plan
制定年度预算与决算, 执行年度财务管理计划
The enterprise shall have the right to budget and use its retained funds in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.
Since the emergence of the democratic ethos of modern economy, budget and final accounts demonstrates the necessity of democracy.
由于现代经济民主思潮的出现, 预决算民主非常必要。
The surplus budget balance accumulated from previous years shall be put in a bank account specially established for that purpose.
In line with that resolution, the strengthening of the programme budget component of the Division is reflected in the present budget proposals.

单词 budget 释义

  • 单词释义:预算;政府年度预算  [更多..]



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