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单词 bowl 例句大全,用单词bowl造句:

The last bowl provides a rinse to reduce the alkalinity of the wool.
The game and its ancillary festivities constitute Super Bowl Sunday.
Super Bowl. I heard it over here. It was the date of the Super Bowl.
Preliminary matches are in full swing for the next annual Ethics Bowl.
For lunch, I usually eat a bowl of soup, vegetables and a bowl of rice.
If he kicks this extra point, the Eagles will advance to the Super Bowl.
Breakfast A bowl of corn flakes with unfat milk or a bowl of oat flakes.
Remove from heat and adjust the seasoning and transfer to a serving bowl.
起锅调味, 调整和转移到服务的碗。
I am now so poor that I can only afford a bowl of noodles in plain sauce.
Pour 10 cup broth into shallow bowl. Place flour in another shallow bowl.
In another bowl, whisk together the garlic, anchovy, and salt until mixed.
He said as he agreed. I gave him a small bowl of stew and a piece of bread.
他这样说, 我递给他一小碗菜和面包。
There are two hands milk bowl, to the dark night, the artisans of the times.
亦有两手乳两钵, 夜至二鼓者, 工匠倍之。
You might also consider a spark arrestor for the front of the fire bowl, too.
There was no arguing about that, so he picked up the bowl and downed the brew.
什么也无须说了, 他接过碗来, 把药吞下去。
Hold a pose with a bowl of water in hand, till the muscle spasm break the bowl.
Everyone has a small bowl to share, and everyone will have a small bowl of rice.
大家有分享一个小的碗, 并且大家将食用小碗米饭。
The Master once told the story of a priceless antique bowl a fortune at a auction.
A steamed bun, area potato strip, bowl of stuffed dumplings, bowl of harsh powder.
一个馒头, 一带薯条, 一碗饺子, 一碗酸辣粉。
Decoct medicine uses arenaceous boiler and need not what is the reason of iron bowl
煎中药应用砂锅而不用铁锅得原因是 什么
Feel bad boy, put his bowl of fish bowl folder to the mothers, mothers eating fish.
男孩心疼, 就把自己碗里的鱼夹到母亲碗里, 请母亲吃鱼。
Additional, because bowl is too small, can annulus decoct, namely one by one decoct.
Decoct medicine uses arenaceous boiler and need not what is the reason of iron bowl.
煎中药应用砂锅而不用铁锅的原因是 什么
Total 90 Tracer with enhanced stability,accuracy,touch and visual super bowl jerseys.
Try our cured relishes, a bowl of rice with pork gravy, or a bowl of hot beef noodles.

单词 bowl 释义

  • 单词释义:碗,盆;碗状部分;一碗之量;木球;环形剧场;杯赛  [更多..]



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