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单词 boss 例句大全,用单词boss造句:

Faced with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.
The boss offered twenty thousand N T to thank me, but I refused to accept it.
The boss offered twenty thousand yuan to thank me, but I refused to accept it.
When his boss asked if he was late for work, he admitted the soft impeachment.
He suggests thinking of your new boss, his boss, and so on, as your customers.
Tally your accomplishments, and make your boss aware of them on a regularbasis.
Look at the only female boss in Chongqing cracking down on evil forces activity!
If you want to see my boss, you'd better make an appointment with him in advance.
A dozen accounts of our boss all disappeared. All the farmed gold was still there.
我们老板得许多账号也未能幸免, 号上得金币都没了。
Spec out an additional printer and ship a proposal for a new printer by your boss.
You don't think you did anything wrong, but your boss is acting agitated and annoyed.
你不认为你做错了什么事, 但你的老板却是焦躁和生气。
He is much appreciated by his boss, because he is quick witted when handling affairs.
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger is among those who believe Hunt's challenge was accidental.
Because we had Scottish accents she and her charming boss thought we were not important.
Laura must be having an affair with our boss, otherwise she would not have been promoted.
劳拉肯定与老板有什么不正常关系, 否则她不可能得到提升。
If you become involved with your boss, your accomplishments and promotions will be suspect.
The boss silked me aboard I dont heading to society in tomorrow, or brick otrapr discussion.
This also is not difficult to explain a lot of real estate Why can the boss absconded money.
Paul addressed himself to his boss and started talking to him like he had never done it before.
The Boss protects the fundamentalist but,at the same time, the fundamentalist protects the Boss.
If you work hard, your career I'm sure will advance and maybe one day you'll be the boss in here.
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has confirmed the club have accepted a transfer request from David Bentley.
温格已经确认, 阿森纳接受了本特利要求转会的申请。
You think that you are better than both your boss and his boss, and you expect to overtake both of them.
And her place would be filled up by advertisement. The boss would make an ad to hire someone else to take her place in the store.
As bin Ladins number two, he learned at the feet of the master, and by some accounts taught his boss much of what he knew about how to run an underground organization.

单词 boss 释义

  • 单词释义:n.老板,上司;vt.指挥  [更多..]



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