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单词 bossy 例句大全,用单词bossy造句:

But one day, Franklin had to help a friend who was bossy.
This sentence sounds like a military order. Its too bossy.
The older guys in the baseball club are so bossy, are not they?
在棒球社的那些学长非常霸道, 是不是?
she also agrees she is bossy , overcontrolling and always right.
她还承认自己专横, 控制欲过强以及不喜欢认错。
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If you are not bossy to them, they are your smart and great wife.
Jenny's keepers described her as very sweet though a little bossy.
a loud bossy voice that irritates listeners.See Synonyms at bannoy
Mr. Scott is a manager of a small stationery shop. He is very bossy.
BOSSY Just wine is enough OK! If you dont take it, Ill get it myself!
波西酒就足够了好!如果你不拿, 我自己去拿!
But you have to promise that you will not be all controlly and bossy.
He was so bossy with other kids thathe couldnt get through a playdate.
Unfortunately, I was also a bit bossy and I wasnt a very good listener.
遗憾的是, 我这个人也有一点专横, 不太善于听取别人的意见。
Although Michael ahs a strong sense of responsibility, he is very bossy.
Bossy a. Always telling other people what to do and how to do it, like a boss
Mrs Black is so bossy, she always acts as thought she is in the judgment seat.
Individuals at the top of the hierarchy are bossy, and they get the most food.
Brannys bossy brother Billy Branny and Billy stayed busy by bullying their buddies.
She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth.
她有着一头又多又蓬松的棕色头发, 前面的门牙特别大。
They became bossy, uncooperative, and hostile in their efforts to ward off depression.
为了避免陷入沮丧, 他们变得盛气凌人, 不肯合作, 情绪敌对。
He also said that there should not be a bossy relationship between students and teachers.
The problem, Mr Kretschmann and his party think, is that the government is too bossy.
Do evil things extremely bossy, that be peoples civil servant.In the mind if defy, sign Ma3 Ba3 your uniform.
作恶作威作福, 那是人民公仆。心里要是不服, 立马把你制服。
I think youre cocky, arrogant, bossy and pushy. You also have a God complex. You never think about anybody but yourself.
Park, Lord and screenwriter Karey Kirkpatrick stocked Chicken Run with a cross-section of British types: Bunty is bossy.

单词 bossy 释义

  • 单词释义:<非正>好发号施令的;专横的;凸出的;有浮凸之饰物的  [更多..]



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