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单词 brain 例句大全,用单词brain造句:

You're more complicated than your brain. You've got a brain.
You, you are stupid, your brain are elm, he brain is chemic.
你呀, 你是榆木脑袋, 人家是化学脑袋。
Experiment study of brain concussion and brain injury on cats
how the brain makes decisions, how the brain learns and so on.
Laymans View of Brain Functions information on brain chemistry.
Try them and transform your brain fog into brain power and some!
The more you use your brain, the more brain you will have to use.
用脑子越多, 你就越需要脑子。
into the brain and be understood, and be understood by the brain.
输入大脑 并且要使其被大脑理解
Your brain just lets it go. The brain doesn't need to fill that in.
Progress of research on brain cognition of mental abacus calculation
An abacus is also a counting machine, using our brain and our fingers.
His left brain has nothing right and his right brain has nothing left.
And thats a brain surgeon who doesnt even want to dissect to the brain.
而脑科医生, 根本不想解剖脑部。
Meanwhile, the right brain and frontal brain worked as backup resources.
Humans have a brain, but it is not centralized, nor brain have a center.
人类有大脑, 但它既非中央集权, 也没有所谓的中心。
Research shows it is all down to bursts of brain waves deep in the brain.
这项研究表明, 睡眠的好坏完全是由于大脑深处的脑脉冲波。
Brain damage are results of malformations and failure of brain to develop.
What is the difference between tightwad's brain and a spendthrift's brain?
The epilepsy is an abnormal discharge of brain neurons form of the disease.
Brain part blood supply is insufficient, the blood vessel of brain hardens!
脑部供血不足, 脑血管硬化!
So your left brain has nothing right and your right brain has nothing left.
所以, 你的左脑没有正确的东西, 而你的右脑什么也没留下。
It can block blood vessels in the brain and lead to stroke and brain damage.
Early pathological changes of brain after explosive injury of abdomen in pigs
The pathological changes in brain can be reflected in the abnormality of EEG.
如心电图反映出心脏病, 脑电图反映脑部有病等等。
Is a false brain lump, also call false brain lump synthesized to advertise for.
是假性脑瘤, 也叫假脑瘤综合征。

单词 brain 释义

  • 单词释义:(头)脑;智力;出谋划策者,聪明的人  [更多..]



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