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单词 bt 例句大全,用单词bt造句:

A New Characteristic Index BT of the Humidity Controlling Material in a Closed Space and Its Theoretical Basis
The dielectric and piezoelectric responses of singledomain PT and BT are very sensitive to the phase transition.
BT HT type batteries feature superior high temperature trickle charge acceptance performance and high reliability
Strengthening Fund Management of the World Bank Financed Project and Reducing De bt Paying Risks of Government for Loan
加强世行贷款项目资金管理 降低政府贷款偿债风险
Characteristics and Components of the Parasporal Crystal and Spore Produced by the Tamed Bt Strains in Monosodium Glutamate Wastewater
When insects bite genetically modified Bt corn and cotton, they get a mouthful of a builtin toxin, produced by every cell of the plant.
她端着盛满了碎玉米的小杯子, 把碎玉米撒向地面。

单词 bt 释义

  • 单词释义:准男爵 (Baronet) 英国电信 BT(British Telecom)  [更多..]



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