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单词 getaway 例句大全,用单词getaway造句:

Plan a day trip or weekend getaway to one or several and explore.
But hes thinking of taking her on a weekend getaway on top of that.
He was seen making his getaway after he had just pulled the robbery.
The beach at Fulong has been a popular weekend getaway for many years.
They were more concerned about the dogs' welfare than a clean getaway.
There was no time to make a getaway, so we had to talk to Mrs. Wilson.
逃已经来不及了, 所以我们只得找威尔逊夫人谈谈。
So The Getaway was one of the things that was running on real hardware.
The police car finally caught up with the getaway car after a long chase.
Renting a private beach hut on St.John might be the ideal getaway for you.
No need to protest now.In a few days he would make his getaway to Shanghai.
现在不必抗议, 过几天向上海溜之大吉。
Sometimes, I just want to pack my bags and go a getaway to a tropical beach.
有时候, 我真想收拾我得行囊, 躲到一处热带海滨去度假。
A stack of pillows invites gentle repose and the feeling of a getaway at home.
因为床褥很软, 躺在上面就像是陷到里面一样。
AM PDT A Getaway demo is shwon, with the camera being moved around in realtime.
播放大逃亡视频, 实时摇移摄像机。
He was out fishing and then was supposed to meet me for a romantic weekend getaway.
他本来是去钓鱼的, 然后要跟我一起去浪漫一个周末。
A herd of wild boars has thwarted a suspected car thiefs getaway in northern Germany.
Mike As a matter of fact, Dads taking me on a trip to Boston, for a little guy getaway.
He decided to treat himself to some stolen champagne in the comfort of his getaway car.
Pisces, you are seeking a vacation getaway that allows you to drift, dream and fantasize.
WEEKEND GETAWAY Outlying islands, including Lamma and Cheung Chau, provide a quiet escape.
周末休闲离岛, 包括南丫岛和长州, 那里非常幽静。
Scotland Yard also said that the cars used in the thieves getaway had fake licence plates.
Grab the next person who happens by, drag them into the conversation, and make your getaway.
拉住一个恰好经过的人, 把他带到对话里来, 你趁机溜走。
As such we are advising citizens to book their Ocean City getaway now, before the ocean evaporates.
Chris and Gitti are lost in perfect amorous bliss during their getaway in their Sardinia vacation home.
Foreigners living in Beijing are joining the record number of Chinese people who will be making the great holiday getaway.
The old city Chang Ling savings bank is robbed, after the highway robber wields the gun company to kill seven people, makes a getaway.
古城常陵的储蓄所被抢劫, 劫匪挥枪连杀七人后逃之夭夭。

单词 getaway 释义

  • 单词释义:(尤指犯罪后的)逃跑;(比赛的)开始  [更多..]



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