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单词 generalization 例句大全,用单词generalization造句:

Zhenghou refer to pathologic generalization of organism in certain phase of developing disease.
Unified Demonstration and Generalization of Intermediate Value Formula in Infinitesimal Calculus
Implementation of a Knowledge Database for the Generalization of Topographic Maps in GIS Systems
The simulation results show that the modeling method has high accuracy and generalization ability.
由仿真实验结果可以看出, 该方法建模精度高, 泛化能力强。
The new challenge is just what cartography generalization now confronts with in digital environment.
The result of practical operation verifies the effectiveness and generalization of this development.
Two generalizable elements cannot have a generalization and a nesting relationship at the same time.
The generalization is quite similar to the corresponding one in the theory of differential equations.
The thesis is intended to provide a comprehensive generalization of the research findings in the past.
After automated generalization, however, the label would not be supplied by the base processing for the.
The implementation shows that the method has a good classification accuracy and generalization capability.
Design investigation of standardization,seriation and generalization on some components of auxiliary motors
Research on the Evolvement Procedure and Dynamics of the Generalization of Competitive Sport Culture System
Especially, the adjacent tree graph and line graph are both included as special cases of our generalization.
Introduced in this paper is the forest graph of a connected graph which is a generalization of the tree graph.
摘要本文中引进了连通图的森林图, 它是树图的推广。
English writing generalization is redundant deliberates, careful revision and consummation thesis rough draft.
英语写作概说重复推敲, 仔细修改和完善作文的草稿。
while as a format of thoughts, it is the abstract generalization of human brain to kinds of concrete use values.
作为思维形式 它是人脑对各种具体使用价值的抽象概括。
This problem is a generalization of the problem of finding the maximum cardinality clique of an unweighted graph.
Because does not have the concrete object to make the reference, very easy assurance not well, easy generalization.
因为没有具体物体作参照, 很容易把握不好, 容易概念化。
Generalization can be defined quantitatively and can be used to assess the performance of principal component analysis.
The super class is a generalization of the subclass and conversely the subclass is a specialization of the super class.
Analysis on technology and economic benefit for generalization and seriation used in the development of Stirling cryocooler
The temporal generalization task and bisection task were taken to study the effects of arousal and valence on time perception.
Diversity among base classifiers is known to be an important factor for improving generalization performance in ensemble learning.
Research on automatically accepting or rejecting linear geographic elements based on central place conception in cartographic generalization

单词 generalization 释义

  • 单词释义:一般化;普通化;归纳;概论  [更多..]



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