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单词 gan 例句大全,用单词gan造句:

The Case of Fake Draft in the Name of Sun Jia Gan and the Political Affairs in Qianlong Dynasty
Liu Wei Di Huang and Ling Gui Shu Gan Decoction for Treatment of 65 Cases of Asthma in Children
Phonological Survey of Gan Dialect in Hunan from the Material of Report of Hunan Dialect Survey
Will immerse with Wen Shui after Gan Gongzao is abluent, pignut is boiled slightly, flay reserves.
将干红枣洗净后用温水浸泡, 花生米略煮, 去皮备用。
Clinical and Experimental Effect of New Qing Gan Decoction on Preventing and Curing Alcoholic Fatty
Wash bath jar every weeks, ensure to Gan Shuang maintains after your bath crock is used every time.
The Influence of Oxidative Injury to the Rats in Cirrhosis of Liver with Rou Gan Xiao Zheng Granule
Ulrasound diagnostic value to the liver cirrhosis patients treated by Fu Fang Bie Jia Ruan Gan Pian
Commenting on the Royal Crown with God and a Beast shape of Digging from shang Dynasty Grave in Xin Gan
A complete luminescent model is built up for the blue, yellow and red luminescence of undoped GaN film.
Dengfuxian Tungsten Deposit Lies in the diwa type granite in Hengshan Geodome of Xiang Gan Diwa System.
The observation of the quality of life on cerebral hemorrhage treated with Decotion of Ping Gan Xi Feng.
The Yang Gan Tui Huang Wan regulating the middle warmer doctor treat chronic severe hepatitis 100 example
Clinical and Experimental Study on Treating Acute Calculosis Cholecystitis with the Shu Gan Li Dan Decoction
In the twelfth chapter, the historical evolution of the rising tone in the Hakka and Gan dialects is analyzed.
Exploration on Central Neurobiological Mechanisms of Gan in Taking Charge of Dispersion and Regulating Emotion
Through literature review, this paper investigated the evolution and symbolization of Gan and Qi of GanQi dance.
The priority is to facilitate navigation on the Gan River, particularly in the middle and lower reaches of the River.
Forecast Method On Surface Rainfall Of River Basin In Middle Stream Of Gan River And Flood Meteorological Index In Jian
An Experiment Study of the Effects of Bu Sheng Shu Gan Tang on the Rats of Deficiency of the Kidney and Depressed Liver
Chinese hawthorn Gan Suanwei is warm, is whets the appetite the digestion, the enhancement digestion function good medicine.
One day while Zhou Yu was discussing with his subordinates how to defeat Cao Cao, he was told that Jiang Gan had come to see him.
Safe Analysis of operation and Responding Measure for the speed Control System of Controlled Retarder of Gan Shui Marshalling Station
However, in the War of Gengzi, Gan Army was under orders to resist the enemy, and its actual strength was greatly weakened after the war.
然而在庚子之役中 甘军奉命力抗敌军 实力大为削弱。
Cream drench the make water when be micturition gives the Gan that be like rice, or have satiny the content that is like fat, urethral have acerbity painful

单词 gan 释义

  • 单词释义: <古>gin的过去式  [更多..]



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