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单词 gamin 例句大全,用单词gamin造句:

The gamin is not devoid of literary intuition.
Remember gamin on dumb hotties at chill parties
This odd phrase produced a singular effect on the gamin.
The gamin of Paris is respectful, ironical, and insolent.
巴黎的野孩是恭谨, 辛辣, 横蛮的。
The Gamin should have his Place in the Classifications of India
在印度的等级划分中, 野孩也许有他的地位
Gavroche felt his gamin's heart moved with compassion for the old man.
The whole of the monarchy is contained in the loungerthe whole of anarchy in the gamin.
闲人是整个君主制度的形象, 野孩是整个无政府主义的形象。
The gamin made the military salute and passed gayly through the opening in the large barricade.
野孩行了个军礼, 高高兴兴地从那大街垒的缺口跨出去了。
To sum up the whole, and in one word, the gamin is a being who amuses himself, because he is unhappy.

单词 gamin 释义

  • 单词释义:n.流浪儿,讨人喜欢的娇小的顽皮姑娘  [更多..]



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