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单词 gallant 例句大全,用单词gallant造句:

hero champion paladin knight gallant cavalier brave man man of courage
英雄, 骑士, 侠士, 勇敢者
The gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again.
This gallant speech was rewarded with a sweet, though a melancholy smile.
He enjoyed their company they enjoyed his he was gallant and flirtatious.
It was also important for any aspiring young gallant to give good parties.
But General de Gaulle had to carry his gallant band of Frenchmen with him.
但是, 戴高乐将军必须说服他那群勇敢的法国人和他一起干。
But General de gaulle had to carry his gallant band of Frenchmen with him.
但是, 戴高乐将军必须说服他那样勇敢的法国人和他一起干。
They are one of the most distinguished and most gallant peoples in europe.
The Gallant Style in the Stories of the Vengeance on Beasts in Yuan Dynasty
He enjoyed their company; they enjoyed his; he was gallant and flirtatious.
In their gallant struggle for equality, women can count allies and partners.
The government also offered to give her a permanent burial at Gallant Garden.
On the gallant ethos of composure and tolerance in Tang and Fiveera Dynasties.
History normally portrays them as exiled patriots engaged in a gallant struggle.
A brief analysis of the virtuous and the gallant in Chinese and Western literary works
Prime minister, the entire world salutes you and your gallant people and gallant nation.
Although after a long time, but see, ChengLong then glance gallant cheese recognized her.
A face full of justice sense, in gallant clothes, 500 years experience can not beat a hero!
一脸正气, 身披华衣, 500年沧桑亦难折英雄锐气!
In the Great Revolution period, Houhu is a place where gallant and drastic struggle occurred.
It is only with the valiant and gallant spirit of the travelers that it can be passed through.
The west is veiled in rain, the east enjoys sunshine. My gallant is as deep in love as day is fine.
东边日出西边雨, 道是无情却有请。
The endless river eastward flows with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years.
The door of China is open, With earthshaking changes, For the gallant heroes, We still look to this age.
If Thou grant me abundant health and happy spirits, do not let the gallant ship of carnal ease come sailing up the flowing flood.
若祢赐我幸福健康, 也求祢莫让我好逸恶劳, 死于安乐
The young woman grew deadly pale, and cast an apprehensive glance upon Maitre Pierre, in whom the bravado of the young gallant seemed only to excite laughter, more scornful than applausive.

单词 gallant 释义

  • 单词释义:堂皇的;壮丽的;勇敢的;(对女子)献殷勤的  [更多..]



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