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单词 genome 例句大全,用单词genome造句:

Adenoviruses, which cause the common cold, do not insert themselves into the genome.
腺病毒是导致常见感冒的一种病毒, 并不将自己插入基因组。
The Complete Sequence Determination and Analysis of Bombyx mori Mitochondrial Genome.
This is the first time a native bacterial genome has been grown successfully in yeast.
Research into the human genome may also present a threat to biodiversity and biosafety.
Once the entire human genome has been sequenced it will become amenable to manipulation.
The Complete Chloroplast Genome of Zamia furfuracea L. f. and Stangeria eriopus Baillon.
Conclusion The complete sequence of O.hupensis mitochondrial genome has been determined.
The Cvalue paradox no correlation between apparent structural complexity and genome size.
Learning the secrets of the catfish genome could lead to inceased quality and production.
Advanced on the research of the structure and function of Sendai viral genome and proteins
The human genome map will provide scientists with the biological foundation of human life.
Learning the secrets of the catfish genome could lead to increased quality and production.
Genome Configuration of Elytrigia intermedium and Its Valuable Genes Transferred into Wheat.
The Music Genome Project was launched to decompose music into its basic genetic ingredients.
Bringing Human Genome Technology to the Dinner Table, and Taking the Guesswork Out of Breeding
A postgenomic era has come, one of its important t arg ets is to annotate the genome sequences.
后基因组时代已经来临, 基因组序列注释是其主要目标之一。
ONE of the great hopes nurtured by the Human Genome Project was that it would crack cancer open.
Since the beginning of the human genome project, biological information has increased explosively.
自人类开展基因组研究以来, 生物信息量呈爆炸式增长。
The project is the work of a team from fourteen countries, the Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium.
have this old component in their genome from these extinct forms of humans, whereas Africans do not?
拥有已消亡 古人类的基因 而非洲人却没有
Despite its small coding content, the dinoflagellate mitochondrial genome is one of the most complex known.
尽管小编码内容, 甲藻线粒体基因组是一个最复杂的。
Sequencing the human genome will represent a closure of sorts for the revolution wrought by those two geniuses.
When a phage infects a bacterium it can either destroy its host or be incorporated in the host genome in a state of lysogeny.
One of the signatures of natural selection is that it disturbs the undergrowth of mutautions that are always accumulating along the genome.
The report which follows studies on the embryonic development of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. It based upon the size ratio between the cloned gene and its haploid genome.

单词 genome 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[生]基因组,染色体组  [更多..]



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