The Beijing summer games have been dubbed the genocide Olympics by Hollywood campaigners.
Thus the crime of genocide has become one of the leading principles of international law.
However, the accused was convicted of genocide or extermination as a Crime against Humanity.
The Tribunal was the first international jurisdiction to hand down convictions for genocide.
Genocide, Soviet disassembly and national separatism provide proofs for culture polarization.
种族屠杀, 苏联解体, 民族分离主义为文化异质化找到了论据
Indeed, some countries have accused the Government of practising genocide and ethnic cleansing.
The secret police have been accused of a campaign of genocide against the immigrant population.
Now talking about culture, I would like to get the recently misapplied concept Culture Genocide.
This is genocide and a crime against humanity, for which the United States alone is responsible.
这是种族灭绝, 这是危害人类罪, 美国必须对此负完全的责任。
The genocide of yesterday in Rwanda stands as a monument of shame to the international community.
The case against the Rwandan national had initially involved charges for war crimes and genocide.
It was the first international jurisdiction to hand down guilty verdicts for the crime of genocide.
The United States Congress is the very last party to speak of genocide, ethnic cleansing and slavery.
Also, I think one of the biggest things we are all looking at, and we talked about today, is genocide.
我想今日的一个重要议题是 种族灭绝
Anyone who has had any previous experience with genocide or with mass atrocities had to be aware of this.
Whether it will pass the mathematical scrutiny which showed that classical group selection needs genocide remains to be seen.
这种说法是不是经得住数学的考验, 仍有待观察。