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单词 gaze 例句大全,用单词gaze造句:

He pointed at a branch of a nearby tree, and her gaze followed his finger.
As you gaze at this celestial scene you are looking across space and time.
Instead of looking at anyone in particular he fixed his gaze on the ceiling.
The Bishop continued to sleep in profound peace beneath that terrifying gaze.
Armoured personnel carriers shuttle troops under the watchful gaze of snipers.
His gaze was not fixed on any particular object, and his face beamed with joy.
We swivel towards each other, we do what we call the anchoring gaze and we talk.
It's a cold and ungenerous gaze on reality, with an enormous analytical backbone.
My gaze went to another young woman as she wiped the face of another dying person.
我转头望向另一个年轻女子 她在擦拭 另一位临死的人的脸
As if an artist, playing with life, gloats at the Medusa gaze he creates with blood.
With steady gaze he awaited confidently the moment for administering the restorative.
They will avert their gaze from each other until they have thrown away the poison cup.
He stared at him with a fixed gaze until Hazael felt ashamed. Then the man of God began to weep.
I catch hold of the railing, gaze towards the sky, decide to bury my heart at my deepest inside.
我抓住栏杆, 望向天空, 决定把心藏在最角落里。
Chiachus terrified gaze was riveted on the flashes from the muzzle of the machinegun ahead of him.
Curiously enough, Fawkes was not so affected by the gaze of the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.
He could no longer hold her gaze, and was blinking back tears of his own as he uttered the last phrase.
他不再躲避她的注视, 当他说出最后的话时拼命忍住泪。
Butterfly subverts the traditional opposition of West and East that continues to structure the Western gaze.
The seizures occurred several times a day and were characterized by tonic spasms of limbs and an abnormal gaze.
She was adorably lovely. But what he was contemplating with that profound gaze was not her beauty but her soul.
Whenever I saw her, my gaze lingered, sometimes into a stare that would have embarrassed me had anyone noticed.
I can do nothing but gaze into the distance and pray in silence to send you my blessing by means of light breeze.
我只能遥望远方默默祈祷, 让轻风捎去我的祝福。
Looking away from the flow, I fixed my gaze on the distant Rockies, where our adopted son had loved to go in search of the perfect tree.
Taking advantage of the silence that had descended upon my grandfather, I turned my gaze from him to the vast area defined by his words.
When tired of swimming about I would sit on the bank and gaze at the strip of water that wound away eastwards and hid behind a thick wood of acacia trees.

单词 gaze 释义

  • 单词释义:v.盯,凝视n.凝视  [更多..]



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