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单词 funny 例句大全,用单词funny造句:

He cracks me up. I don't think I've met anybody so funny in my whole life.
My little nephew was acting funny and everyone in the room started to laugh.
I like comedies because actors are always very funny and they make me laugh.
我喜欢喜剧, 因为演员总是很滑稽并且他们使我笑。
He was such an arrogant person turn his nose up at anyone with a funny accent.
Today, this girl I like just told me a funny story about her pooping adventures.
Alice had been looking over his shoulder with some curiosity.'What a funny watch!
We may choose are cry or to smile, perhaps more times we both funny and annoying.
我们可以选择是哭还是笑, 也许更多的时候我们哭笑不得。
This team tested 16 men who all agreed they thought a certain videotape was funny.
And you're wrong, susan. It is funny Funny that the women standing here before me.
而且你错了,苏珊,这就是很有趣 有趣的是,这些站在我面前。
Now, that's not very funny to me now, but I guess when I was younger it was funny.
我现在肯定不会这么干了, 小时候倒是觉得这特有意思。
People are always trying to take the mickey out of him because of his funny accent.
Its kind of funny, its about UFOs and a bit of funny way they introduce themselves!
很有趣, 是关于飞碟和有趣的方式介绍他们自己。
One was even a librarian action figure with shushing action so that was really funny.
When you are not happy I will accompany you, said some funny jokes to amuse you laugh!
Its funny that the actual dish is only the Sashimi Platter by three kind of sea fishes.
Talking about the funny aesthetic conceptions in folk fine arts of the Yellow River Basin
The funny performances of the clown often make the audiences clap their hands and laugh aloud.
And besides solving those problems, I've also found many interesting things which are sometimes also funny.
Having said that, funny I was talking to somebody the other day who works for the Academy of American Poets.
有一天很巧, 我遇到了一个朋友, 她在美国诗人协会工作。
She tried to be funny, but the punch line didn't make anybody laugh. I think her sense of humor is really weird.
她拼命想说得滑稽, 但是她那句逗笑的话却一点没引人发笑。
When you have already leaked a bottle to descend ditch perhaps, also having a very funny animation to sneer at you.
The most fantastic part of the circus performance is of Giant Pandas, and its clumsy and funny motion amused the whole audience.
Years ago, I was taking an algebra class over the summer, and had a teacher who liked to reminisce about his past with funny stories.
When he is taken off to the police station for questioning by the fascists once again, he makes funny faces at his son to keep him amused.
He's still funny, but his new characterization, like the success of The Sopranos and Analyze This, reminds us how quickly we have converted palpable menace to pure ethnic comedy.

单词 funny 释义

  • 单词释义:有趣的;古怪的;非法的;略感不适的;不正常的  [更多..]



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