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单词 funk 例句大全,用单词funk造句:

I had been in a blue Funk, when the shocking news reached me.
我一直惊恐不安, 这时传来那令人震惊的消息。
Just the thought of travelling by air puts me in a blue funk.
But now the agency is in perhaps the worst funk in its history.
Instead I'll tell you how I got out of my entrepreneurial funk.
I was in a blue funk when my employer called me into his office.
Beijing's original jazz and funk band. Put on your dancing shoes!
北京原创爵士, 放克乐队。穿上你的舞鞋!
For some people, there is a physiological component to their funk.
A good boss can give you strategies to pull your attitude outa funk.
一个好的上司会教你如何克服抑郁, 重新振作起来。
I'm just in a little funk right now, and everything's gonna be fine.
Funk toys often make trouble, expert appeals to build toy sort system
整蛊玩具屡闯祸 专家呼吁建立玩具分级制
Nevertheless, Hyundai Motor America was in a funk at the end of 2008.
然而, 现代美国汽车厂在2008年底陷入恐慌。
Just because the brides mother is late, you neednt get in a blue funk.
只不过是新娘的母亲来晚了, 你用不着这样恐慌。
Lets Funk!! Make the taste like Fruit!! FunkyFruit is me!!
My friends say I need to get out of this funk and find a rebound date.
我的朋友告诉我, 打起精神来, 随便找个人约会。
Funk had been studying a substance in outer covering, or hull, of rice.
芬克研究稻壳里的一种物质, 这种物质被认为可以预防脚气。
Funk was pointed at by many who knew him as one who was never punctual.
When the Weasley twins left Hogwarts, they left Lee in a bit of a funk.
Americas economy is in a funk. How bad will it get and how long will it last.
Funk believed the substance belonged to a group of chemicals known as amines.
John is in a blue funk about fighting Jackson in the boxing tournament tomorrow.
约翰在明天的拳击比赛中将迎占杰克逊, 他十分畏惧。
This sent the shares of Sallie Mae into a funk from which they are yet to recover.
这让萨莉梅公司的股票声名狼藉, 至今尚未恢复元气。
But there are crucial differences between downloading fiction and downloading funk.
She never eats funk food, an pays a great dea of attention to her health conditions.
她从不不吃垃圾食品, 很在意她的健康状况。
Peter is in a blue funk about playing with Michael in the tennis tournament tomorrow.
Christian even gets a bit of funk slap bass in on the epic 10minute trance of Vande Krishna.

单词 funk 释义

  • 单词释义:惊恐;沮丧;懦夫  [更多..]



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