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单词 fucking 例句大全,用单词fucking造句:

Crazy isn’t enough to describe him. That guy is fucking nuts.
Captain of the Titanic Wheres all this fucking water coming from
Just put your fucking bag and keys on the back seat and fuck off!
End now this fucking cunt who lied and envisioned a promised hell
现在结束, 这该死的懦夫撒谎还设想一个可预见的地域
They re putting a fucking bracelet on me tomorrow for four months.
We tried and tried, but could not fit your fucking name on the cake!
我们试了又试, 就是不能把你得名字全写在蛋糕上!
Are you gonna stop doing coke deals with your jerkoff fucking cousin
So you and psycho boy are fucking on, like, a regular basis now, right.
The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today.
Why don't you announce it to the whole fucking joint while you're at it?
You're fucking crazy, holmes! You gotta get out of this ghetto mentality!
你真他妈疯了, 伙计!你最好放弃这个疯狂的念头!
You just told me you felt alive for the first time at a fucking card table.
你刚刚告诉我你在赌桌边, 第一次感觉到你的存在。
If my mom showed up, I'd throw her and my fucking stepdad out on their asses!
如果我妈出现, 我会把她和我该死的后爹扔出去!
And if there were a few weevils in the bread, wasnt that just too fucking bad
Mike Swale Im trying to figure out whether youre a total fucking bitch or not.
You think Bush and Cheney didn't know about that shit ?Give me a fucking break.
We haven't a fucking clue about anything. We just don't know who killed Cahill.
He saysDont be a fucking pussy!you have a fucking dream!soI sayok,i fuck it
Anybody who can hijack a plane using a set of tweezers deserves the fucking plane.
Dear god, please take that blackmailing bitch home now What fucking plane hit her!
死神,快把那勒索女收走吧 什么破飞机撞的啊!
I am a fucking pimp!Get your money ,get your heart,bitch !Never love me!
Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. You know, school, then college, then work.
At the very least, make sure to clean your arse thoroughly with hot, soapy water before any fucking.
而且在行房之前, 务必用热香皂水彻底打扫一番。
Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars compact disc players and electrical tin openers.
选择洗衣机, 汽车, 雷射唱机, 电动开罐机。
Some asshole tow truck driver nearly killed me and my family today by driving on the wrong side of the road. Thank God we’re alright. Fucking ambulance chasers!

单词 fucking 释义

  • 单词释义:该死的;非常的;低劣的  [更多..]



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