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单词 freshness 例句大全,用单词freshness造句:

Double safety sealed, with outer shrink wrap film and inner bottle freshness seal.
双安全密封, 收缩包装膜外及内瓶新鲜印章。
Calendula and the freshness of mandarin essential oil. Perfect for children and pets.
Techniques for maintaining freshness and crispness of fern shoots used as a vegetable
Well, it pays much attention to the freshness, tenderness and smoothness of the dishes.
可以, 广东菜注重的新鲜嫩滑。
Double safety sealed with an outer shrink wrap film and an inner bottle freshness seal.
双重安全密封, 瓶盖收缩包装膜和内瓶新鲜封纸。
They put fruit that has passed the double selection process into freshness-maintaining bags.
The Effect of Stabilized Sodium Chlorite Solution on Freshness Preservation of Green Peppers
Development and Application of Xanthine Oxidase Biosensor for Detection of the Fish Freshness.
The green base with white flowers and web decoration creates a sense of pureness and freshness.
However Pinot Blanc balances between softness and freshness to make the lightest wine in Alsace.
One last thing that gourmet coffee lovers will need to look out for is the freshness of the coffee.
Blood was pumping out of his back like a fountain. it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
On the palate a good structure with balanced acidity that provides pleasant freshness a long finish.
We craft lights which possess the warmth of human nature and freshness of Mother Nature, with heart.
Great taste in sensitivity tannins with matured fruit and nice freshness. Harmonious and expressive.
The company also developed a new version that was targeted at special customers adding freshness to its range.
The aroma displays uplifting freshness of apple, white peach, pear and gooseberry with underlying floral notes.
Results showed that Sharp quenching processing can obviously enhance the tea to maintain freshness the quality.
Optimization of Quick Maintaining Green Color, Keeping Crispness and Freshness of the Pteridium Aguilinum kuhnvar
Study on quick maintaining green color, keeping crispness and freshness of the Pteridium aquilinum var. Latiusculum
蕨菜快速护绿, 保脆与保鲜试验
The vacuum freshness preservation box comprises a box body, a cover body, an inflating valve and an air pumping valve.
真空保鲜盒包括盒体, 盖体, 充气阀和抽气阀。
A consistent composition, the Brut Philipponnat is all freshness with a fruitiness of great delicacy.It can lie enjoyed any time.
此酒充满新鲜果味, 十分精美, 任何时候都是不错的选择。
The lemon and citrus fruit scent give it a tangy freshness and golden honey, vanilla and caramel notes give its delectable sweetness.
All homemade food items and sauces do not contain preservatives, MSG and artificial colouring. Please refrigerate to ensure freshness.
Freshness Keeping Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Natural Preservatives on Chilled Fresh Pork during Refrigeration Storage

单词 freshness 释义

  • 单词释义:精神饱满;新鲜度;新鲜;新鲜食品  [更多..]



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