Holland went on to break the world 1500 metre freestyle record. The crowd raised the roof.
The Experimental Research on the Mental Control of Chinese Freestyle Skiers in Motor Learning
After the dolphin kicks roll to your stomach for your breakout in the freestyle and butterfly.
When you are swimming freestyle, kick legs hard and don't forget to breath every third stroke.
游自由式时要用力踢腿, 而且别忘记每三下换一次气。
The following nine photographs show the phases of a full freestyle cycle with images and text.
Influence of New Rules of Wresting Freestyle to the Training of Technology and Physical Fitness
The Freestyle was designed with passenger comfort and convenience at the top of the priority list.
Study of Applying Floating for Students to Reach Standard of Freestyle in General Swimming Teaching
Judge Rule Revision of Freestyle Skiing and the Impact of Rule Revision in the Development of Aerials
The Technical and Tactical Analysis on Elite Female Freestyle Swimmers in Short Distance in 27st Olympic Games
The Freestyler Paddle is a patented hand paddle designed to improve technique specifically for the freestyle stroke.
Bonus footage also includes an unintentionally funny freestyle dance performed by April and a scene where house diva Camille and an emotional Catie get into a fight over cleaning duties.
而过往出席过的佳丽会再度亮相, 讲出心底里最真的话。