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单词 gab 例句大全,用单词gab造句:

They are naturally good salesmen with the gift of the gab.
No, though I must admit you do seem to have the gift of gab.
不是, 虽然我必须承认你看起来很伶牙俐齿。
With his gift of gab, he should make an excellent politician.
I think most Americans have the gift of gab on many occasions.
我想大部分美国人在许多场合, 都很会说话。
Seldom have I met a girl who has the gift of gab like Jenny's.
With his gift of the gab, he should make an excellent politician.
由于他的口才, 他应该能成为一位优秀的政治家。
Master the gift of gab with the phrase book that makes Erin go ha!
Smith would have made a good salesman, he has the gift of the gab.
史密斯准能成为一个很好的推销员, 他能说会道。
Seldom have I met a babe whos had such a gift of gab like Lee Lees.
Also gab er seiner Mutter die tausendundhundert Silberlinge wieder.
Seldom have I met a girl whos had such a gift of gab like Lee Lees.
Seldom have I met a girl whos had such a gift of gab like Lee Lees.
Ach,gab es nicht einen Athleten,der sechs Goldmedaillen bekommen hat
Yeah. Seldom have I met a girl whos had such a gift of gab like Lilys.
My brother really has the gift of gab. He can convince anyone of anything.
Oh!Stop your gab, we've been listening to you for hours and we're tired of it.
得了!别再说了!我们已经听你讲了几个钟头了, 实在听腻了。
The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me, he complains of my gab and my loitering.
斑纹苍鹰掠过上空并斥责我, 它怪我唠叨和迟迟不走。
Hitler is often said to have been no more than a small man with a large gift of gab.
While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab, Gemini are notoriously bad listeners.
R. Eine Renaissance wie in Italien oder Frankreich gab es wohl in Deutschland gar nicht.
Es sei sehr schwer, von den Knochen eines Fossils Verwandtschaften abzuleiten, gab er zu bedenken.
Says a word the expression certainly to want the nature, prohibits artificially, do not line of gab
言语表情一定要自然, 切忌做作, 更不要夸夸其谈
Was nur zuallererst und am allermeisten zu denken gab, war das ersichtliche Fehlen jeder Verantwortlichkeit einer einzelnen Person.

单词 gab 释义

  • 单词释义:n.饶舌,多嘴,爱说话;vi.空谈,唠叨,瞎扯  [更多..]



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