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单词 fuzz 例句大全,用单词fuzz造句:

Fuzz Loosely bonded fibres projectingfrom the surface of paper. Also called Fluff, Lint.
在纸面上, 纤维一端与纸面结合, 另一端则松散的情况。
Fuzz Loosely bonded fibres projectingfrom the surface of paper.Also called Fluff,Lint.
The police dont understand the now generation and the now generation doesnt dig the fuzz.
Stability analysis of direct drive feed system based on fuzz reasoning selfadjusting control
The major products includes gold jewellery , fuzz sand aurum, electrical casting accessory。
主要产品有黄金首饰, 绒沙金, 电铸摆件等。
The back surface of the brush is used for removing the absorption and removing the fuzz and the dust.
Discussing the existing problem of craft of Yellow Mountain Fuzz Tip and its solution and countermeasures.
Fuzz Comprehensive Evaluation Method Based on Expert Group Evaluation on Researching Crisis Advance Warning.
Whenever he embraced me, red, itchy spots would break out on my body. This was probably caused by the fuzz from his electric blankets.
他身上沾了电毯的细毛再来拥抱我, 我即起红点, 奇痒难当。

单词 fuzz 释义

  • 单词释义:绒毛,轻柔的物质;竖起来的短细的毛发  [更多..]



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