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单词 frighten 例句大全,用单词frighten造句:

Mrs Chen kitchen saw the bub of full hand blood, frighten so that cry rise.
I and you are same, just checked the result that come out, frighten me dead.
Sniping serves, however, to frighten men who will not deliberately ignore it.
These verbs all mean to frighten into submission, compliance, or acquiescence.
Perhaps if they made lots of noise it would frighten away any weird creatures.
He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them not into going.
But there's nothing here I can throw and no one to frighten either, how annoying!
可是这里又没东西我可丢的也没人我可吓的, 真恼人!
Another important part of celebration was using light frighten away dark spirits.
He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them in to not going.
Anthropomorphic figures with hideous faces are used to frighten away evil spirits.
The secret police dared not molest Mr. Zuo, they were just out to frighten Mr. Cao.
That was a gigantic piece of propaganda designed to frighten you into holding cash.
Elder brother you do not frighten me, dont know me this bear ability difference!
Used to express contempt, scorn , or disapproval or to frighten or surprise another.
表示不满, 轻蔑, 反对或吓唬别人时发出的声音。
Have a power fail for a week, I think we will become some to frighten into inaction.
停电一个星期时, 我想我们将会变得有些不知所措。
The government is convinced that the bombers want to frighten away foreign investors.
And after the bride sees the word on the knickers of bridegroom, frighten dizzily went.
You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.
It is believed that the conduct of police was deliberately intended to frighten and humiliate.
To frighten away evil spirits, both adults and children wore scary costumes as witches and ghosts.
离开惊吓邪恶的精神, 成人和孩子穿著了容易受惊的装束。
Frighten I Causes your opponent to flee from you for 10 seconds. Increases your Dreadful Countenance.
吓跑目标10秒, 提高恐惧面容等级。
Imperialism brandishes its atom bomb and hydrogen bomb to scare us and that doesnt frighten us either.
帝国主义拿来吓唬我们的原子弹和氢弹, 也没有什么可怕。
Elder brother, as long as we three brothers are being together, there will be nothing can frighten us!
I guessed it must have suffered from an arrow wound. I tried to frighten it with the sound of the string.
Young cook listens thinking is to saying him, frighten confused, busy go up from the beginning take next hats.

单词 frighten 释义



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