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单词 formidable 例句大全,用单词formidable造句:

He was confident of the unyielding strength and formidable superiority of his troops.
Criticism is a study by which men grow important and formidable at very small expense.
The best defensive spell available to a Sorceress is manifest in this formidable armor.
There are formidable problems associated with the practical utilization of solar energy.
This is a formidable challenge to the international community and to the United Nations.
There are, however, formidable obstacles to collecting reliable information on morbidity
I need not emphasize that the tasks are formidable and demand courage and political will.
Equally formidable is Microsoft, cutting its impressive swath through the software world.
There are a number of integration options and choosing between these can be a formidable task.
But, it says wiping this deadly disease from the face of the earth poses a formidable challenge.
但是, 它说擦从地球上这种致命的疾病造成一个巨大的挑战。
Achieving the desired look for the Coffeehouse Series, however, presented a formidable challenge.
With a formidable agricultural foundation industry developed rapidly in the United States long ago.
Be confronted with a formidable enemy, when be of one heart and one mind, solidarity, common external.
大敌当前, 当团结一致, 同心同德, 共同对外。
These truly formidable troops are the general's personal bodyguard who accompany him on the battlefield.
At present hundreds of people are fed with public grain in each commune, so this is a formidable problem.
Is is demonstrating the human incomparably formidable creativity and the vitality to the entire universe!
Party school serves as groom of Party member cadre advocate channel, assuming glorious and formidable job.
党校作为培训党员干部的主渠道, 承担着光荣而艰巨的任务。
West Berliners watch fretfully as the barricade grows more formidable and its servants marksmanship improves.
It included two air balls and four times getting his shot blocked by Charlotte's formidable basket defenders.
Very heavily armoured and equipped with a lance and mace, although somewhat outdated they are still formidable troops.
铁甲圣骑兵手持骑枪和狼牙棒, 尽管战术陈旧, 但仍颇为恐怖。
This company sells the student to counsel the book, the service spreads the Jiaodong peninsula, the strength is formidable.
The company didn't think about whether everyone could finish such formidable tasks in such a short time when they assigned them.
He was in a savage temper, and, standing over six feet from the ground, was as formidable an antagonist as even Buck could desire.
他有六尺多高, 样子很凶, 正是巴克期待的让人畏惧的敌手。
In front of the golden armed forces'formidable pressure, the Southern Song Dynasty and the gold signed Longxing to conduct peace talks.
在金军的强大压力面前, 南宋与金签订了隆兴和议。
Andrews We have some carving knives in the abattoir, a few more in the mess hall.Some fire axes scattered about the place nothing terribly formidable.
安德鲁斯我们有一些弯刀和火斧, 没什么可怕的。

单词 formidable 释义

  • 单词释义:可怕的;令人敬畏的;难以对付的  [更多..]



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