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单词 forfeiture 例句大全,用单词forfeiture造句:

Try talking about the advanced forfeiture question of the former Soviet Unions Communist Party and its enlightenment
for cases involving a large amount, with imprisonment of over five years, and may be subject to forfeiture of property.
for offenses of a serious nature to over ten years of imprisonment or life imprisonment, with fine or forfeiture of property
情节较轻的, 处三年以下有期徒刑, 拘役或者管制, 并处罚金。
Forfeiture for nonuse is possible in the event the mark has not been in use for five years after the registration is granted.
Felonies are those crimes which formerly involved capital punishment and, until 1870, forfeiture of the offenders property.
Failure to make the claim at the time of filing the application or to submit the certified document within the time limit shall lead to forfeiture of the priority.

单词 forfeiture 释义

  • 单词释义:n.丧失,没收物,罚款,  [更多..]



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