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单词 forwarder 例句大全,用单词forwarder造句:

We have spoken further to our forwarder and have paid the costs to release the freight.
Analysis of the Effects on Freight Forwarder Brought From the Principle of Agent in Contract Law
In case of difficulties in booking, consult with forwarder, and look for other logistic company.
如遇订舱困难与货代协商, 寻找其他船公司订舱。
Atlantic Forwarding is an international freight forwarder with its head office in Zurich, Switzerland.
According to delivery date, order shipment space and contact will forwarder to confirm the loading date.
根据交货日期, 进行订仓并与货代联系确认装箱日期。
Sometimes, the freight forwarder has acted as principal contractor arranging the carriage in his own name.
有时, 货运代理以资金的名义作为合约人安排运输。
Current Situation and Prospect of New Silk Road Transportation Development Mr. Luo Kaifu, Former Chairman and Consultant, China International Freight Forwarder Association Presentation Download

单词 forwarder 释义

  • 单词释义:代运人;运输业者;转运公司;促进者  [更多..]



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