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单词 fortunately 例句大全,用单词fortunately造句:

Fortunately, there are 12 months a year, this year also allow businesses a breather.
Fortunately, most of our water supply is renewed annually as snowpack in the Rockies.
Mother fortunately, is wrapping a bonsai trough, does not gain does not owe, is good!
Fortunately, just a Cryo Legionnaires can adequately replace entire infantry platoons.
Fortunately, we are living in a world where technology advanced and developed rapidly.
Lost half lot a few days ago, alas true regrettablly, return remnant fortunately half.
前几天丢了半条命, 唉真可惜, 幸好还剩半条。
B Fortunately, it was nothing serious, I saw him yesterday, he had his arm in a sling.
幸运的是没什么大碍, 我昨天见到他了, 他吊着绷带呢。
The plane had a breakdown in the air, but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot.
The aged woman is sick with all kinds of diseases, but fortunately her children are filial.
这位老媪体弱, 百病缠身, 幸好她得儿女都很孝顺。
Fortunately, now computer companies are making laptops with batteries that hold more juice.
如果电脑没电了, 你输入的报告还有档案都可能会泡汤。
Terrorists tried to make an attack to the president's car, fortunately they did not succeed.
I sprained two of the three ligaments in my left ankle. Fortunately, neither one is terrible.
我扭伤了左脚踝三根韧带中的两根, 幸运的是, 它们都不严重。
This article author fortunately participated in the new customer service system construction.
But fortunately, life is nothing but a continuing dance of birth and death, a dance of change.
Fortunately, the sea movie Finding Nemo showed them the colorful and adventurous undersea life.
Fortunately she was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment the moment her appendix burst.
Fortunately, a number of metrics have already been devised that are appropriate for spell checking.
Fortunately, Wool said, computer programs are highly predictable and amenable to simplified models.
I was dazed, but fortunately I had my helmet and flak jacket on, and they absorbed a lot of the shock wave.
Fortunately you can hope to be brave after feeling ashamed, then there is still bright future to anticipate.
所幸你还能够知耻而后勇, 那之后的远大前程尚有可期。
Fortunately, daddy himself proudly announced that it was his birthday before it was too late to bake a cake.
Fortunately, the journalist abducted last month is still alive, but we don't have other information about it.
Fortunately, if you're artistically inclined, you can now make a living using your creative skills and talents.
Fortunately, he was rescued from his embarrassment by the arrival of the butler Kao Sheng, whop hurried over to him and said
While this has resulted in a lot more hugs, ' I love you 's, ' and attendance at kids* football games, un-fortunately we parents also insist on sharing the frustrations of our work lives.

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