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单词 forsook 例句大全,用单词forsook造句:

She forsook the religion of her family in favour of that of her new husband.
她放弃家人的宗教信仰, 改而皈依新婚丈夫的宗教信仰。
For a short moment I forsook you, But with great compassion I will gather you.
我离弃你不过片时, 却要施大怜恤将你招聚回来。
So that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men.
And he forsook the LORD God of his fathers, and walked not in the way of the LORD.
He forsook the Lord, the God of his fathers, and did not walk in the way of the Lord.
In the evenings they forsook the crowded haunts of the gay of excursions on the water.

单词 forsook 释义

  • 单词释义:放弃( forsake的过去式 );弃绝;抛弃;摒弃  [更多..]



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