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单词 fuselage 例句大全,用单词fuselage造句:

The payload itself may be maintained within the fuselage chamber by a releasing mechanism.
The extra wing tanks allow removal of the fuselage tank, for a larger baggage compartment.
Fuselage of airplane can too the customer need to be adopted four pillar type construction.
Thermal Stress Failure on Heat Insulation Coatings for Airborne Missile Fuselage Connection
So the compression waves pile up in front of the wings and fuselage, or body, of the plane.
The rapid downward motion of the fuselage is stopped by the impact through the landing gear.
One year after the gradual production helicopter tail, fuselage, seats and other accessories.
一年后逐步生产直升机尾翼, 机身, 座椅等配件。
The fuselage provides although the focal variation number not high 3.6 times, actually then one.
The lower fuselage and fins were constructed of aluminum and the motor was made entirely from steel.
The fuselage foundation may revolve 20 degrees, convenient multiple perspectives onlooking demand.
The system is contained almost entirely in a single pod that mounts to the underside of the fuselage.
The big challenge is figuring out how to design the air intakes to maximize airflow over the fuselage.
But waterproof dustproof fuselage design, is also in the basic level list countercamera is quite rare.
而防水防尘的机身设计, 也是入门级单反相机中比较少见的。
The aircrafts interior emergency lights were still functioning, the fuselage tilted at an odd angle.
The basic protection for fuel and for critical electronic systems is the metal fuselage and wing structure.
The fuselage is provided with an installation which causes a power switch and the charging socket to be exposed.
Four underwing plus one under fuselage weapons stations enabling airtoair and airtoground light attack capability.
Simultaneously this machine function pressed key design left side of the fuselage, a more convenient driver operates.
The metal material quality matches by the black fuselage and the silver crustification appears the cool vigor is full.
Gains in fuel efficiency and noise reduction could also come from embedding the engines into the topside of the fuselage.
Effects of Different Stiffness between Wing and Fuselage Structures on Structural Responses for High Aspect Ratio Airplanes
The fuel tank part can be divided can closing with the fuselage, and the convenient transportation is with putting together.
油箱部分与机身可分可合, 方便运输和组装。
The receiver aircraft is fitted with a probe that extends out from the side of the fuselage or from the leading edge of the wing.
Sudanese television footage showed a hellish scene, with orange flames dwarfing firefighters and towering above the shattered fuselage.
The Airbus Industrie A3XX, with a double-decker fuselage which can carry up to 656 people in three classes, is the plane that has sparked the dreams of airborne cruise ships.

单词 fuselage 释义

  • 单词释义:<空>(飞机的)机身;火箭的外壳;弹体  [更多..]



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