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单词 further 例句大全,用单词further造句:

Course of this one history is in economic globalization 21 centuries will be accelerated further.
Now it seems to have moved from below the ribs further down to the fight side of my lower abdomen.
We will accelerate reform of the administrative system and further transform government functions.
我们要加快推进行政管理体制改革, 进一步转变政府职能。
I am wondering if I am moving further and further away from the destination of my life or contrary.
However, as a result of current production order decreases, investment demand is further also abate.
The drive received no drive letter as further protection against accidental deletion of the boot files.
At present this model reaming implement dimension already became series, accommodation expands further.
目前该型扩孔器尺寸已成系列, 适应范围进一步扩大。
The players participated in shot put competition, more investment and further and further away results.
With each swipe of the credit card I would wince, knowing I was just going further and further in debt.
You gradually trace further and further back into the past, adding these ever more distant relationships.
The courses are aimed at enhancing women's access to and participation in further education and employment.
Their accession to the WTO would further enhance the representativeness of the multilateral trading system.
National textbooks about evidence law is a necessary carrier for legal education and further academic study.
Put you r hand no further than your sleeve will reach Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve wilt reach.
Further measures such as access controls, fire protection, air conditioning, protected electricity supply, etc.
Further, the distortion measure may be the mean square quantization error or the mean absolute quantization error.
The Academic Affairs Committee authorizes and enforces these policies and is also responsible for further revision.
In your turn, you should make sure to move your ankles and knees further and further towards the inside of the turn.
We are getting further and further away from him, but no matter how far away we are, we must remember the grass on his tomb.
我们是越去越远了, 但无论多么远, 那荒草是总要记在心上的。
This further begets a lack of willingness for mutual accommodation, making progress on nuclear disarmament even more difficult.
这又导致缺乏互谅互让的意愿, 致使核裁军进展更加困难。
We will accelerate independent innovation and industrial upgrading and further strengthen the competitive advantages of the economy.
Further the paper analyzes channels achieving technology spillovers from FDI, effective factors which restrict the absorptive capacity.
If the pound is further devaluated, it will surely cause monetary crisis. Further devaluation of the poundwill surely cause monetary crisis.
The paper says further research is required into interview techniques and conditions under which false memories and reports of abuse are most likely to arise.
If further funds,or further authority should be needed for the purposes indicated in this message,I shall not hesitate to bring this situation before the Congress.

单词 further 释义

  • 单词释义:(空间距离)较/更远;(过去或未来)较/更久远;在更大程度上;此外  [更多..]



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