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单词 fuggy 例句大全,用单词fuggy造句:

When this kind of shoe is being worn wont damp fuggy, have intimacy.
这种鞋穿着时不会潮湿闷热, 有舒适感。
In fuggy summer, the wind from the worn proof brings a bit of cool here.
And cool color can make fuggy bedroom feels on more hasten gentle and comfortable.
Hes trying to clear a drain when he slipped and fell into 70 gallons of the fuggy goo.
Some people are introvert, exceedingly is fuggy , disposition is eccentric, suspicious much Lv.
有些人性格内向, 好生闷气, 脾气古怪, 多疑多虑。
Spent a period of time, the madam is unripe fuggy, gave disease to come frowzily, husband and wife two went seeing a doctor.
过了一阵子, 太太生闷气, 闷出病来了, 夫妻俩去看了医生。

单词 fuggy 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.闷气的,闷热的  [更多..]



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