Expect a lovely boost in personal fulfillment as you cultivate one of your hidden talents.
A dreamlike musing or fantasywhile awake, especially of the fulfillment of wishes or hopes.
A dreamlike musing or fantasy while awake, especially of the fulfillment of wishes or hopes.
The prophesies of the Old Testament find stunning fulfillment in the history of Jesus Christ.
You will be rewarded not only financially, but also with the priceless reward of fulfillment.
We seek to help every student discover the joy and fulfillment in the obtainment of knowledge.
finally, the enactment of the law embodied the fulfillment of the treaty obligations to France.
Fulfillment of Developing of Elective Course Cleaner Production in Institution of Higher Learning
Use economic levers such as price, credit and the like to ensure the fulfillment of the state plans
Daily prayer is a devotional preparing your ethical standards and concentration towards fulfillment.
Congratulate you on your graduation, and may all your hopes and plans turn to fulfillment and success.
谨祝毕业之喜, 愿你万事如意, 顺利成功!
For instructors, sense of fulfillment and achievement can always be obtained in the process of teaching.
It is only upon the fulfillment of these five conditions that someone truly becomes my lineage disciple.
Optimizing the logistic performance A basic customer requirement is the immediate fulfillment of an order.
Combining author s fulfillment, forward a few examine method that engineerings budget and balance of accounts.
结合自身实践, 就工程预结算的审核, 提出以下几种审核方法。
Responsible for the standardization, issuing, and assurance the fulfillment of quality policies and objectives.
The legislative practices of various countries also embody this pattern of difference in fulfillment of rights.
All HARTS income and property shall be applied toward the fulfillment of the goal set forth in this constitution.
Responsible for the organization and fulfillment of the training education and examination of subordinate staffs.
Finally combine reality with myself fulfillment experience of the teaching, , and drew up the case of concrete implement.
最后结合本人教学的实践经验, 制定了具体实施的案例。
Difference Between Contract Law and Tort Law Injurious Fulfillment Within the Ambit of Contract Liabilities or Tort Liabilities
The fulfillment of this mission inevitably depends on the solidarity of the Party and that of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.
完成这个任务, 必须紧紧依靠全党和全国各族人民的团结。
The fulfillment and cognition of the dregs conveyance construction craft of the tunnel acts from inside under complicated and special conditions
Comments are welcome on responses to treatment by Medicine Master Buddha or fulfillment of ones requests, quell disasters and prevent misfortunes.
欢迎意见对药师佛治病因果或所求皆得满你志愿, 消灾免难。
Even Hollywood has taken notice. At the Sundance film festival in January, Girlfight, about a woman who finds fulfillment through boxing, won a prize for drama.