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单词 fourteen 例句大全,用单词fourteen造句:

During the whole period of the Qing Dynasty, there were fourteen emperors in total.
By two thousand eight, the rate of obesity among women was almost fourteen percent.
Erna is only fourteen years old and she sets her sights on breaking the world record.
She also won three gold medals, one silver and one bronze all at the age of fourteen.
她在14岁时同时获得了三枚金牌, 一枚银牌和一枚铜牌。
Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old.
Mendoza rose to fane swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old.
He looked at the silverthorn tract, at the fourteen acres which were scraped and clean.
The charge is seven cents in Chinese and fourteen cents per word in a foreign language.
费用是中文每字七分钱, 外文每字一角四分。
It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.
For fourteen weeks Peter bombarded Azov, sometimes loading the mortars with his own hands.
彼得炮轰亚速14个星期, 有时他还亲手为迫击炮装填弹药。
RAY FREEMAN Fourteen men declared themselves to be candidates for the Republican nomination.
McDonalds plans to put coffee bars in its fourteen thousand restaurants in the United States.
The prodigy joined the International Association of Poets when he was only fourteen years old.
If you look on that waterwheel, you'll see that it has fourteen buckets,which is quite unusual.
He had fourteen thousand sheep, thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys.
The project is the work of a team from fourteen countries, the Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium.
Fourteen lobate scarps were identified, at sites as far apart as the lunar equator and near the poles.
The Fourteen points constitute the core content of idealism and analysis its difficulties in practice.
The fourth day you shall offer tell calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish.
应献公牛犊十头, 公绵羊二只, 一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。
At fourteen, he went to Lhasa and studied under masters and scholars of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
Tai Lien is responsible for the Treasure Room and has been associated with antique books for fourteen years.
Fourteen cases of old laceration of lacrimal canaliculus were treated with double spinal needle probing method.
This was followed in 1971 by a complete edition of all the fourteen stories under the general title Taipei jen.
接著, 在一九七一年, 全书十四篇以台北人的统称问世。
All the fourteen deeds enumerated above have been accomplished by the peasants under the leadership of the peasant associations.
Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal; he acquired three wives and fourteen children during his Portuguese embassy alone.

单词 fourteen 释义

  • 单词释义:十四;十四个;第十四  [更多..]



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