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单词 founder 例句大全,用单词founder造句:

In the Feng version, St Aunt from a vixen spirit becomes the founder of a magic sect.
在冯本里, 圣姑姑从一个狐仙成为一个魔法宗派的创立人。
Design and Development of Mechanical Drawing Exercises Base by Using Founder Author Tool
The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization.
Professor SHI Yafeng, Academician in CAS, founder of Glaciology and Gercryology in China.
Mr. Bogle is the founder and former chief executive of the Vanguard Group of Mutual Funds.
Jeremy Bentham is the founder of the British utilitarianism in the second half of 16 century.
Jeremy Bentham is the founder of the British utilitarianism in the second half of 18 century.
Opera Art founder Sang Sang Jun vibration and enjoy the special allowance of the State Council.
豫剧桑派艺术创始人桑振君, 享受国务院特殊津贴。
Klaus R. Kunzmann was the founder president of the Association of European Schools of Planning.
Mr. John Wang is founder and President of Asian American Business Development Center champion of U.
Legend of the Eight Diagrams of the furnace, is the founder of Taoism Lao Tzu by the first casting.
The bold and brilliant dream which excited the founder of this nation still awaits its consummation.
Expression of Chinese style bedchamber is on furniture, use firm the line processing of hard, Founder.
What is interesting is that they have appointed outsiders to run the company and the founder has retired.
Therefore, the brood stock imported from Malaysia could be used as the founder in genetic breeding programs.
I a moment ago hit sound of clew of your mobile phone to say Dial again later please in streaking to Founder!
Basaltic mountains built a temple andling yun ge, founder hall, benevolent and other antique building shouting.
A ideologist, philosopher and litterateur in the Spring and Autumn Period, the founder of preQin Zhuang School.
The billionaire Australian mining magnateand founder of Fortescue Metals is surveying a scene of frenetic activity.
Zhang Daoling, the founder of the religious Daoism, is also named as the Heavenly Master of Exorcism and Apologetics.
张天师即道教的创始人张道陵, 又称降魔护道天师。
The thought that to become a resurgent must become the founder of the action value, has infiltrate deep into our mind.
我们知道, 想成为复活者, 就要成为行动价值的缔造者。
In five years, says Beenz.com founder Charles Cohen, 'I believe we'll start to see beenz listed against other major currencies.'
But one of Legend's most ambitious tie-ups is with Pacific Century Cyberworks, the much ballyhooed Internet company run by Hong Kong's Richard Li, founder of Star TV.
As a co-founder and star of the American Basketball League, Edwards found herself out of work in 1999 when the league was buried by the rival WNBA which is backed by the NBA.
Schultz, founder of the companies: Affymax (1988), Symyx Technologies (1994), and SyrrX (2000), is also director of the Novartis Research Foundation's new Genomics Institute.

单词 founder 释义

  • 单词释义:失败;倒塌;沉没:沉到水下;摔倒:跌倒  [更多..]



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