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单词 found 例句大全,用单词found造句:

There was no obvious abnormity found in the control group and the sham operated group.
Dancing scenes later than those found on colorful pottery basins have also been found.
His teacher found him a very good pupil. He was found a very good pupil by his teacher.
In the abnormal group, morphological abnormality in the anorectum was found in 276 cases.
On the Pale Parasite in the Soil Found at the Abdomen of Buried Men Unearthed at Jiahu Site
In group 3 consisting of 4 cases, only the abnormal zero disparity stereo acuity was found.
第3组4例, 为仅查到不正常得近零视差立体视锐度者。
Tom at last found a chance to strike back at those who had found fault with his latest book.
Many of the root causes of terrorism are to be found in or are connected with abject poverty.
Professors have found what they like to do, and they have found someone to pay them to do it.
The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.
In addition, the aberrant marker was found to be unlinked to any linkage group in E. urophylla.
More rarely such larvae, which fail to reenter the circulation, are found in other abdominal organs.
On arrival there, he found that the said abbot was indeed his elder brother whom he had missed so much.
You leave your stamp in the found logbook and use the stamp in the found box to stamp your own logbook.
Both vaccines also appeared to prevent abnormal, precancerous cell growths found in the cervix, he says.
Through the analysis it is found that ablation of the root causes of relay contacts is vibration frequency ablation.
The researchers also recorded abdominal pressure, and found that the subjects were straining less when they squatted.
The tumor was found at autopsy to invade the tail of the pancreas, left kidney, transverse colon, and abdominal wall.
Where was the dead body found? Who found the dead body? Was the dead body dead when found? How was the dead body found?
You have found an electronic dictionary and want to return it to its owner. Write a notice of Lost and Found to clearly state
Before he stared off in the morning, he found Before he stared off in the morning, he found that was a malfunction with his car.
早上出发前, 他发现汽车出故障了
Finally, the expert group decided to abandon the idea of a single binding framework runtime like that found in the original EA release.
最后, 专家组决定放弃单个绑定框架运行时的想法。
Polyphenols, the compounds found in red wine, help your body block fat absorption, an Israeli study found. Redwine marinades work, too.
And, the principal stresses can be easily found by combination of above results with isochromatic pattern found in photoelastic experiments.
I also learned that many of those who had known me for a long time found it impossible to abandon the idea of Martin they had in their heads.
我发现 认识我很久的人 发现他们无法忽视我的想法

单词 found 释义

  • 单词释义:建立;兴建;创办;铸造  [更多..]



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