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单词 exception 例句大全,用单词exception造句:

Gender difference exists abundantly in language communication. Compliment has no exception.
语言交际中存在着大量的性别差异, 恭维语也不例外。
Two efficient algorithms for joint diagonalization with exception of the singular solution.
All the audience were fascinated by the acrobatic show with the simple exception of Charlie.
This is used in exception handlers that need to intercept an exception before passing it on.
There is an occasional exception to the rule that governments should keep out of agriculture.
principle of application of the new law with the exception of a less punishment in the old law
principle of application of the old law with the exception of a less punishment in the new law
His head was bald, with the exception of two graying tufts of hair that arced behind his ears.
秃顶, 只在耳后有一圈灰白头发。
The fourth parameter represents the actual instance of the exception thrown by the application.
It's also possible to have a general exception handler that will respond to any thrown exception.
Implementation to be exception agnostic so that it can be used in environments without exceptions.
Most patients were otherwise healthy, and with the exception of 8 cases, lacked antecedent trauma.
The teacher required an excuse from every pupil, without exception, who had been absent the previous day.
With the exception of the archbishop and the gardener, no man entered the convent, as we have already said.
我们说过, 除了他和园丁, 任何男人都不许进修院。
The exception is articular cartilage and the subchondral bone, which should be preserved if at all possible.
It is children's nature to be fond of play. I am no exception, as I was very fond of play when I was a child.
With the exception of domestic pigeons, the arrangement of myogenic fibers in the myocardial cells was loose.
Complications from epidural anesthesia are the as those for spinal anesthesia, with the exception of headache.
In such cases, subsequent ex post facto approval was sought for an exception to the standards of accommodation.
Fifth, with the exception of Hong Kong, do not align your currency to one major currency such as the US dollar.
第五, 除了香港之外, 不要将自己的货币与一个主要货币挂钩。
Environmental grace, traffic advantage, of establishment all ready, all without exception all receives bursa in.
环境之优雅, 交通之便利, 设施之齐全, 无不尽收囊中。
With the exception of the Administration Office at CUHK, enrolment centres still operate until Saturday afternoon.
除了总办事处外, 报名中心于星期六下午照常办公。
What holiday would be complete with out the aromatic flavors of extraordinary cuisine The Chinese New Year is no exception.
An exception should be added to the regulation upon complaint aiming at acts taking possession of public property unlawfully.
Section listings within a larger publication are a partial exception. In the screenshot above, for example, all the articles pertain to arts or cultural.

单词 exception 释义

  • 单词释义:例外,一般情况以外的人(或事物),除外;反对,批评;[法律]异议,反对  [更多..]



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