Nature abhors a vacuum, journalism even more so, and so it fills absence with windiness.
She boldly, unblinkingly, even pugnaciously, wrathfully even, when her bottle was empty.
她激烈的,癫疯的 整个人防空
Politicians have asked me to run for elections, even though I never even went to school.
What is even more pitiable is that a mange dog won't accept help, even when we mean well.
And those symmetries, then, make the equations even shorter, and even prettier, therefore.
Should America and Europe abandon any pretense of even wanting to promote democracy abroad?
They were living in such abject poverty that they could not even afford the bare necessities.
他们一贫如洗, 连最起码的生活必需品都买不起。
The students student might support an idea, question and even disproved it or even disprove it.
Even though he was rich, he did not want to lose a dollar, a quarter, or even a penny to anyone.
虽然有钱, 他不想失去一分一厘。
The man, Jesus, even though sinless, befriended sinners like the tax collector, even you and me.
Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek.
Once the force of the leg is abate, the person falls easily, bring about all ones life even bedfast.
腿的力量一旦减弱, 人就容易跌倒, 甚至导致一辈子卧床不起。
And even to your old age I am heand even to hoar hairs will I carry you I have made, and I will bear
直到你们年老, 我仍这样, 直到你们发白, 我仍怀搋。
Women hate bugs. Even the strong willed ones need a manaroundwhen theres a spider or a wasp involved.
Because they can cause abdominal cramps, and even give rise to abortions caused by uterine contraction.
Also begin even the packing material such as paper box, bubble, epispastic paper to rise in price even.
The Separate Methods of Separate Positive and Even Numbers into the Sum of Several Continural Even Numbers
Double fault leads to the server losing the point even though his opponent has not even had to return the ball.
如果是双误, 对手即使没有还球, 发球方也会失分。
Learn to use an abacus, and you might even be able to use the same techniques to do rapidfire math in your head.
学习使用算盘, 你还能使用同样技巧在头脑中实现速算。
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Separating Positive and Even Numbers into the Sum of Several Continual Even Numbers
The situation in Yingxiu is even worse than expected, said an official on duty in the Aba government, citing the three vice governors.
When something natural, something that's made from a cellulose fiber like a piece of bread, even, or any food waste, or even a piece of paper.
某些天然物質 由纖維素纖維構成甚至是一張紙。
Continue even when it is hard togo on, release even when it is hard tolet go, endure even when it is hard tobear, this is how we build our character.
The local response was equally swift and some city governments have gone even further, requiring contraband dogs to be leashed, muzzled, sterilized or even destroyed.
Gradually, PE specialists like Abbie Flanagan, who works full time at Lincoln, have convinced the children that offering each other support, praise, even guidance, is preferable to name-calling.