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单词 estate 例句大全,用单词estate造句:

The Poly Real Estate, Pearl River villa project on the plane shooting advertising photos.
Real estate students are trained to develop. buy. sell. appraise. and manage real estate.
The real estate investment fund is an industrial investment fund in real estate industry.
The Defining of Real Estate Industry and Several Problems Regarding the Relevant Accounting
This also is not difficult to explain a lot of real estate Why can the boss absconded money.
on the other hand, real estate appraisal is also an inducement of real estate financial risks.
Therefore the development of real estate development project planning is the key to real estate.
We should adopt the substantive examination system to the real estate registration to strengthen.
History proves that it doesn't matter whether you come from a council estate or a country estate.
历史证明,无论是 你们来自穷人家 或来自富人家。
A person appointed by the court to administer the estate of a deceased person who has no executor.
As company starting tradition advertisement estate, we have been making great efforts assiduously.
作为公司起步传统的广告产业, 我们一直在孜孜不倦努力着。
Research on Imposition of Realty Tax The designing of the real estate tax and its accountancy check
has nearly 20 years experience in real estate investment Simon Yam, real estate all over the world.
拥有近20年经验, 房地产投资任达华, 房地产整个世界。
Research on the legal dimension of contracts on advance sales subscription of commercial real estate
Real estate securitization, real estate investment is directly converted into marketable securities.
房地产证券化, 就是将房地产投资直接转变成有价证券形式。
A Study on the Accounting Treatment for Taxes on the Advanced Payment Collected by Real Estate Companies
Administrative measures to tamp down lending to overheated sectors such as real estate were also enacted.
On Accounting Treatment and Computation of the Advance Payment Received by Foreign Invested Estate Enterprises
Copy of real estate title and original of premises tenancy contract having been registered in Real Estate Administration
The Influence of Housing Policy Reform and Real Estate Finance on Chengdu Real Estate Enterprises and the Appropriate Policy
Real estate has become the focus of macroeconomic regulation and control of the calendar year accumulation of contradictions?
As the core force of the real estate industry, small and mediumsized real estate enterprises face limitless business opportunity.
作为行业中坚力量的中小型房地产企业, 面临无限商机。
Stock markets and real estate markets are doing well but thats momentum investing. It is not a great new opportunity, says Mr Abed.
The personnel of real estate price evaluation are classified as the master valuator of real estate and the valuator of real estate.
The Contradiction Between Indefinite Proprietorship of Real Estate and Limited Period of Usufruct of Land Estate and Its Settlement Measures

单词 estate 释义

  • 单词释义:庄园,地产;住宅/工业区;遗产  [更多..]



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