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单词 establishment 例句大全,用单词establishment造句:

The meeting also adopted the establishment of peace in Indonesias network of centers of the concept of the book.
Environmental grace, traffic advantage, of establishment all ready, all without exception all receives bursa in.
环境之优雅, 交通之便利, 设施之齐全, 无不尽收囊中。
Establishment and Development of System on Punishments in Public Order and Security Administration in Our Country
Today the University Council is pleased to announce plans towards the establishment of two additional new Colleges
We do not acknowledge receipt of device listing forms received subsequent of an establishment initial registration.
This provision was adopted on the basis of international practice in the establishment and registration of parties.
The Establishment of Working Control Points in Surface Mine by EDM Polar Coordinate Method and its Accuracy Analysis
Establishment of adjustment coefficients for the physique quality of the nursing stopping lambs of Ningxia Tan Sheep
The Establishment of a Modern Corporate System and the Profound Adjustment of the Public Owned Economy of Our Country.
Finally, it gives several advices about the establishment and healthiness of our independent director's salary system.
Study on Establishment of System of Students Commenting Teaching in Teaching Practice of Skill Section in Sports Academy
Accounts of the establishment of a preoperative assessment clinic and the benefits to patients have been well documented.
A Study on Establishment of Zoysia Japonica Lawn and Production of Zoysia Japonica sod roll by Taking Advantage of Sludge
The design will solves the establishment of the systematic communication software and achieve the stakeout of many position.
Accelerating the Transformation from A Rural Worker into An Industrial Worker through Establishment of Trade Union and System
The customer product number and the operator suppose in advance in the parameter establishment, prepares the transfer inquiry.
Among GIAs achievements are the establishment of the 4Cs of diamond value and the development of the first modern jewelers loupe.
Acquisition of friable calli from stems and establishment of the cell suspension cultures of Prunus armeniaca L. cv.Canino and Luizet
Article 10 The establishment of a loan company shall go through two phases, namely the preparatory establishment and the start of business.
Local tax bureaus shall be responsible for the supervision of establishment of accounting books by business households that pay sales taxes.
Businesses with a fixed establishment shall rep ort and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located.
to examine and verity the establishment, renaming, abolishment and adjustment of colleges and universities with relevant government departments
会同有关方面审核高等学校设置, 撤销, 更名, 调整等事项
Those that evade taxes with establishment of falsified accounting books constituting a crime shall be transferred to judicial organs for handling.
Reform will take place actively and steadily in matters concerning the establishment of the joint share system and the joint stock cooperative system.
The establishment of the Scottish parliament in 1999 is the most important achievement in Scottish politics since 1707. It has far reaching influences on the devolution reforms conducted by the New Labor Party under the leadership of Tony Blair.

单词 establishment 释义

  • 单词释义:机构,企业;建立;(通常反对变革的)当权派;权威  [更多..]



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